Roman drew in a breath and headed toward the three. He didn’t like this tension between him and Stacy. There had to be a way to work together and be amicable.

“How’s it going?” he asked as he joined their group.

“Trying to pull it together, man,” Nick said.

One thing about Nick was that he wore his heart on his sleeve—which also made him great at his job.

Stacy looked down at her phone again and stepped away from the group. So be it.

Roman turned his attention back to Nick. “You’ll do great. Take your time if you need to. Don’t worry about the schedule. Getting the scene right is more important.” As he said the words, Roman realized they were more true than ever. He’d been hung up on the schedule all month, but pushing through so hard was cutting corners elsewhere.

“I don’t want to slow everyone down.”

Roman nodded. “Yeah, it’s a lot of pressure. But in my opinion, which I think counts for something, we’re better off with the right scene being filmed. Seriously, man, take your time. We’ve got you.”

Nick puffed out a breath. “Thank you, sir, that means a lot.”

Nick stepped forward and gave Roman a bro hug, which he returned gratefully. Stacy was back at her little nook. Roman couldn’t be everything to everyone all the time, it seemed. He hoped Stacy would find a way through her anger against him, for the good of the show, if nothing else.

When Nick drew away, he said, “Something going on between you and Stacy? She looks like she wants to stab you in the heart with a cattle prong.”

Roman couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Actually, it’s the opposite. Nothing’s going on between us, and she wasn’t happy to hear me say that.”

“Ah.” Nick glanced over at her. “I don’t really see the two of you as a good match, anyway.”

Huh.This was interesting for Nick to say. “You’re a matchmaker now?”

“I didn’t know you were interested in dating yet,” Nick said. “But if you are, I can keep an eye out.”

Nathan cut in. “I think Roman’s got it covered.”

Nick frowned. “How so? You on a dating app, De Marco?”

“No,” Roman said with another laugh.

Nathan nudged Nick. “Look to your right, three o’clock.”

All three men looked—making it quite obvious that the woman Nathan was suggesting was Cara Prosper.