He could also see that her phone had lit up with multiple texts. “Looks like you’ve been busy this morning.”

Cara lifted her bare shoulder. The one he’d almost kissed two minutes ago.

“Family.” She shot him a half-smile. “You can’t get away from them, it seems, even in the Middle of Nowhere, Wyoming.”

Roman nearly choked on his swallow of hot coffee. “Did you just call my ranch the Middle of Nowhere, Wyoming?”

She took her own sip of coffee, then cast him a side-eyed glance. “The truth can sting sometimes, Mr. De Marco. Especially coming from a small-town girl like me.”

Roman gaped at her, then he burst out laughing. “You’re something else, Ms. Prosper. Most would consider this place a luxurious retreat.”

Cara raised her brows. “That’s all fine and dandy, sir. But it’s still in the middle of nowhere.”

Roman lifted his coffee cup in a mock salute. “All right. This point goes to you. But tell me, would you rather live in a quiet, peaceful place like this, or in the busy cities of California?”

She seemed to think about this—another thing Roman liked about her, if he were to make a list. She answered his questions with thought and truth. “I guess it depends,” she said at last.

“On what?” Roman pivoted toward her. He was very, very interested in her answer.

“On which stage I’m at in life.” She glanced at him, then back to her mug. “When I was in culinary school, a big city was preferable, in order to visit and compare restaurant menus.” She paused. “But it’s been nice here, you know. Reminds me a bit of growing up. Of course, my mother would be horrified with me saying that. She thinks Wyoming is like the North Pole.”

Roman smiled. “Moms are like that . . . wanting everyone to stay close to home even if they’re married with kids.” Of course, this got him thinking about his own mom. She still lived in California, which felt far away right now, especially when his daughter had no mother of her own.

The silence stretched between them for a few heartbeats.

“I’m sure it’s hard to be both parents to Mia,” Cara said in a quiet voice.

“Sometimes,” he said. “Mostly I feel blessed that I can be there for her so much more than I ever was.” He should stop talking, stop confessing so much, but whenever he was around Cara Prosper, it seemed like things just spilled out.