SIX DAYS WAS MUCH TOO long to not see the woman Roman intended to make his girlfriend. If she’d have him. Not that there was much of a question, but there was just the trace of doubt that popped up now and again. He pushed that down as he settled into his seat on the plane. They’d been talking for a couple of hours each night, and Roman hated saying good night to her every time.

He couldn’t believe how much he was looking forward to seeing Cara again. Mia hadn’t been happy to be left behind, mostly because she wanted to see Cara, too.

But Roman had reminded her that they were family, and family had to help each other. Right now, Mia needed to let her dad go on a date with Cara.

That had perked her up considerably. “Is she your girlfriend?” his six-year-old daughter had asked while they sat on her bed after their story time—reading one of those fairy books, of course.

“What do you know about girlfriends and boyfriends?” Roman had asked her, truly curious.

“That they kiss and hold hands, and when they get older, they get married.”

Roman had held back a laugh. “You’re quite accurate.”

“But sometimes they break up,” Mia had added in a thoughtful tone.

“True,” he said.

“Don’t break up with Cara, though,” she said. “I like her forever.” On her nightstand sat two letters that Cara had written to his daughter. Each containing a recipe that Mia had been excited to try.

She now knew how to make no-bake cookies and fruit salad.

“I’m not planning on breaking up with her,” Roman said, bending to kiss Mia’s forehead. “Now, get some sleep. I’m leaving really early in the morning, but I’ll call you as soon as I get to California.”

“Can Cara call me, too?” Mia asked, wrapping her small arms about his neck and staring him straight in the eyes.

“Of course. We’ll FaceTime you on your iPad.”

“Yippee!” Mia said.

Roman chuckled and drew away. “Good night, sweetie.”

She burrowed in her covers, and Roman made a couple of adjustments. After a final kiss, he turned off the bedside lamp, then headed to the door. There, he paused and gazed at his daughter nestled in her bed. She’d been a gift to him since the day Liz had found out she was expecting. Whatever their marital problems were, Roman would go through it all again to have this little girl in his life.

“Love you, Mia,” he whispered.

“Love you, Daddy,” she whispered back.

Now, on the plane, the overhead speaker blared with departure updates. They were next up on the runway. His thoughts turned to Cara. She’d be picking him up at the airport, even though he’d told her he could hire a car to get him to his hotel. But she’d refused, and it was kind of entertaining to see how stubborn she could be.

Another attribute of a good mom, or stepmom. Roman exhaled. He was getting ahead of himself, and he needed a distraction right now. The departure of Stacy for the film had become big Hollywood buzz, and although things were now just between the lawyers, he felt sick over the whole situation.

If only they hadn’t flirted at all. Roman couldn’t put the blame on her, even though she’d come on strong, since he’d absorbed the attention at first. He blamed that on his messy headspace and broken heart, but he knew it wasn’t really an excuse. Not when he should have kept Mia as a priority. Roman could never see Stacy as a stepmom to his daughter, so he shouldn’t have let things get as far as they had.

It was in the past now, sure, but the ramifications were current and painful.

He put in his earbuds and played the downloaded music on his phone, letting the mellow country music wash over him. Of course this made him think of Cara, and how she’d been swaying to the music in his kitchen. Yet there was still so much they didn’t know about each other. All he knew was that he felt comfortable around her . . . Maybe it was trust? Like he could be himself and completely true with her.

Had he ever felt that way with Liz? Their dating had been sporadic, since his schedule was pretty crazy back then. When she became pregnant, though, he didn’t even hesitate in suggesting they get married. Liz had seemed happy enough, at least in the beginning.

Now, looking back on everything, he realized she’d felt trapped. Not that she regretted anything about having Mia . . . but Liz had felt trapped with him.

Their relationship hadn’t been allowed to develop with just the two of them in a marriage, because there was always a child involved. Which, of course, was the situation that Roman would always be in when dating another woman. He had a kid who came first. And he didn’t want to shortchange her by becoming involved with women like Stacy Bernard.

Seeing where things might go with Cara was worth the time investment, because Roman wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. Or three times. However one wanted to count mistakes.

The plane ride was quick, and when Roman connected with cell service again, he texted Cara. Just landed. Heading to the gate. I can hire a car if you’ve changed your mind.

Her reply didn’t come right away, but when it did, Roman chuckled.