“You’re our guest, Mr. De Marco,” Mrs. Prosper said, rising, too. “Evie and Carson have this. You can enjoy—”

“I really don’t mind, Mrs. Prosper,” he said. “And you can call me Roman.”

She met his gaze, hers blue and steady—so much like her daughter’s. “If you call me Heidi.”

Roman smiled. “It’s a deal. Now, I’m happy to help clean up. Cara’s going to do Mia’s hair, so that gives me some extra free time.”

“Yah!” Mia cried out. She turned with enthusiasm to Ruby. “Cara does the best hairstyles. Maybe she could do yours, too.”

“I know!” Ruby said. “She does lots of braids and twisty things. She can also make bows.”

Cara laughed. “Okay, you two. I’ll do your hair, but we need to get started right now. I still have to get ready, too.”

Roman didn’t hear any more of the conversation because he joined Evie and Carson in the kitchen, where he began to wash the pans and bigger bowls by hand. It was a little known fact, but Roman actually liked to wash dishes. It reminded him of when it was just him and his mom living on their own. His mom worked long hours, and he made simple meals, then cleaned up, too, so she could get to bed.

As they worked, Carson asked him a bunch of questions about the film industry, which Roman found easy to answer. They were the kind of questions that people who had no idea about how the industry worked would ask. But it went both ways.

Roman found out that Carson and Evie had both graduated from the same college, and Carson had moved to Prosper because his grandfather had purchased property here and needed help. They’d partnered with Holt to rehabilitate injured or neglected horses.

“Wow, that’s impressive,” Roman said as he dried the final pan, then set it on the counter. “A needed service, I’m sure.”

“Keeps me plenty busy,” Carson said with a casual nod, although Roman could tell the man took pride in his work. “And close to Evie.”

“Well, I wasn’t planning on living in Prosper, ever,” Evie declared. “Unfortunately I met this guy, and he talked me into it.”

Carson laughed and pulled her into a side hug. “You love Prosper now, don’t you?”

Evie’s blush said quite a lot. “Maybe a little.”

Carson kissed her temple, and she playfully shoved him away.

“I can give you guys some privacy,” Roman said with a laugh.

“No, stay,” Evie insisted. “Carson will behave himself. And it’s nice to have some help. I think we used every dish in the house.”

“Just tell me where to put things away,” Roman said.

Fifteen minutes later, the kitchen was clean, and everything was put away. The house still buzzed with people getting ready for the event in town. Roman soon learned that Holt and Macie had gone back home and would meet them there. Ruby had stayed to get her hair done with Mia.

Roman found the girls in one of the bathrooms.

Mia was sitting on the edge of the counter as Cara did some sort of fancy braid thing. Ruby was perched on the edge of the bathtub, holding Mia’s Pillow Pet for her.

“Looking beautiful,” Roman said, leaning against the bathroom door frame. It was an easy compliment to give to two adorable kids and a beautiful woman. Cara’s blonde hair was done up in twist, and she’d left a few locks framing her face. She’d put on makeup—something she didn’t wear a lot of, but the blue eyeshadow stood out, making her eyes all that much bluer. “Who knew that a famous chef would also be an expert hair stylist.”

Cara looked over at him with a smirk. “I’m not famous, and I’ve had a lot of practice doing hair, growing up with a little sister who changed her mind every twenty minutes about her hair and her outfits.”

“Evie?” Mia prompted.

“That’s right, Evie is my kid sister,” Cara said. “There. Look in the mirror and tell me what you think.”

Mia’s grin was bigger than Roman ever remembered seeing. “I love it, ” she declared, then pivoted on the counter and hugged Cara tightly.

Cara laughed. “I’m so glad.” Her gaze met Roman’s in the bathroom mirror.

Even though they weren’t alone at all, for a moment, it felt like they were the only ones in the small space.

“All done,” Cara said, breaking eye contact. “Go show Grandma your hairdos.”