It had been a shock to the whole family, especially her mom, who’d been holding out for a reconciliation for Knox and Macie. But now, even Evie could see that Holt was better suited to Macie.

Her mom stopped at the spare bedroom that was once Cara’s bedroom. A small form was under the covers, her brown curls spilling out over the pillow. Ruby was darling when she was asleep, precocious when awake, and everyone in the family hung on her every adorable word.

Evie walked with her mom across the room and watched as she smoothed Ruby’s hair from her face.

“Ruby, dear,” her mom said in a singsong voice that apparently grandmothers used for their grandchildren. “Time to wake up.”

Ruby stirred, and her eyelids fluttered, but she didn’t wake.

“Guess who’s here?” her mom continued in that sweet tone. “Your Aunt Evie.”

Ruby’s brown eyes snapped open, and an impish grin spread across her face. “Evie!”

Evie laughed and had to brace herself against the bed as Ruby launched herself into her arms.

“How are you, baby?” Evie asked, squeezing her niece tight. She smelled of oranges and . . . milk?

“I’m not a baby!” Ruby exclaimed, pulling back and patting Evie’s cheeks. “I’m four!” Her cheeks were flushed pink from sleep, and her brown curls a wild nest.

“Oh, wow,” Evie said. “How did you get so old?”

Ruby wrinkled her nose.

“You must be a real lady now,” she continued.

Ruby giggled. Then she wrapped her little arms about Evie’s neck in nearly a choke hold. “I missed you,” her niece said.

Evie’s heart swelled, and warmth flooded to her feet. “I missed you, too, little lady.”