Carson swung his gaze to meet hers. “No. I mean you pretty much drove the whole way.” His tone lowered. “Thanks for that. I don’t know . . .” He sighed.

And just then, the front door opened, and her mom stepped out. She was all dolled up in full makeup, and a yellow blouse and gray slacks. Maybe she’d had a committee meeting today? As she walked to the edge of the porch, she lifted her hand to shade her eyes from the sun.

Evie popped her door before everyone else showed up, but by the time she called hello to her mom and walked around the front of the truck, Holt had come out of the barn.

Holt was her tallest brother, and his brown hair was mostly concealed by his cowboy hat. But his piercing blue eyes took in the scene quickly.

Right. In the quiet countryside, the sound of an approaching truck could be heard by everyone.

And . . . there was Lane, walking from the direction of the arena, her dad right behind him. Lane was a younger version of her mom—blonde hair, blue eyes. And her dad wore his standard outfit of a starched button-down shirt, tan Levi’s, polished boots, a black hat, and his leather belt with a buckle that read “Prosperity Ranch.”

“I thought you were taking the bus?” her mom said, a question in her tone. She came down the steps and reached the walkway just as Carson climbed out of the passenger seat and shut his door. “Who’s this?”

“Mom, this is Carson Hunt,” Evie said, then stepped forward and hugged her.

“Oh, hello,” her mom said, releasing Evie and extending her hand to Carson.

He shook it, and seconds later, Evie was hugging her brothers and dad in turn, then making the same introduction. She stayed quiet as Carson told them about his grandad and the recent purchase of the adjoining homestead.

“Oh, you’re Randy Hunt’s grandson?” her dad said.

“Yes, sir.”

The two began to talk about the Anderson property—well, mostly her dad was talking, and Carson was listening. All the while, her mom kept glancing at Evie with comical eyes. As if saying, why didn’t you tell me about this guy? Who is he and are you dating?

All questions Evie was sure would be asked as soon as Carson Hunt got into his truck and drove away.

“Are you two hungry?” her mom said, cutting into the men’s conversation, which Lane and Holt had jumped into as well. “I’ve got some fixings for sandwiches, and I’ve made a peach pie. From canned peaches, so not as good as my fresh peach pie.”

Evie held her breath, wondering what Carson would say. She was both relieved and disappointed when he said, “I should get going. Grandad will be expecting me.”

“Sure, sure,” her dad said. “Tell him he’s welcome here anytime.”

“Why don’t the two of you come over for dinner tonight?” her mom chimed in. “Six o’clock work?”

Leave it to her mom to make everyone best friends.

“I’ll, uh, talk to Grandad,” Carson said. “Then I’ll let you know, Mrs. Prosper. I appreciate the offer.”

Well. This was going to be interesting, because her mom’s smile was as wide as the Texan sky. And Holt and Lane were now exclaiming over Carson’s old truck as if it were some sort of collector. Which, it wasn’t.

But Evie refrained from rolling her eyes.

“It’s so good to see you,” her mom said, moving closer and wrapping her arm about her waist. “And what a surprise to show up with such a nice young man.”

“Mom, hush,” Evie hissed. “He’s right there.”

“Oh, those boys aren’t paying us one bit of attention,” she said. “Come on inside and see Ruby. I’m watching her for the afternoon, and she’s taking a nap, but I need to wake her before she messes up her sleeping schedule.”

“Where’s Macie?” Evie asked, following her mom inside.

“She had to get some supplies for her bracelets in the next town over.”

Macie used to be married to her brother Knox—and Ruby was their kid. But their marriage fell apart, and when Macie brought Ruby for an extended visit last summer at Prosperity Ranch, everyone’s world turned upside down.

Because Macie and Holt fell in love.

And now, they were married, happily.