The guy glanced at Becca, but then his gaze refocused on Evie.

Oh boy.She’d maybe noticed he was good-looking and hunky before, but now . . . in the light of day—or the fluorescents of the library—mystery guy was beautiful. From the slight wave of his dark hair to the depth of his deep brown eyes to the strong cut of his jaw . . . And yep, the stubble along his jaw only heightened the effect. His dark gray T-shirt and well-fitting jeans made no secret that this guy was in top physical shape. And . . . he was wearing cowboy boots. Okay, then. Still, if there was a photo in the dictionary for tall, dark, and handsome, this was it.

He’s a cowboy. And a football player. No, thank you. Besides, I made a vow.

“Oh, I know you,” Becca blurted in a perfectly normal, cheery tone.

Evie was impressed.

“You’re Carson Hunt.”

The mystery guy’s eyes narrowed just a fraction. Barely noticeable, except to Evie, because she was apparently staring at him.

“I didn’t know you transferred here,” Becca continued. “Are you a senior or something?”

“I’m done playing ball,” he said. “I’m doing my master’s here.”

“Oh wow,” Becca said. “Nice. What’s your master’s in?”

His gaze had returned to Evie. “Business. Standard MBA.”

Evie opened her mouth. Should she say something? Thank him again for his help last night? Nope. No words were coming. She closed her mouth.

“That’s great,” Becca continued. “Didn’t want to keep playing and go pro?”

Those dark eyes narrowed a fraction again. “No. Sports was just a way to pay for school.”

Evie should stop staring at him and noticing things like the scrapes on his knuckles—was that from last night? And the way his jaw had flexed at Becca’s questions. And how his voice was a step above gravel.

She gazed at her laptop screen, seeing nothing, comprehending none of the words.

“You okay this morning?” he asked.

Becca didn’t answer, confirming that Carson Hunt was asking Evie if she was okay. Slowly, she lifted her gaze. “Yeah, I’m fine.”

His nod was slight, but his gaze didn’t move from hers, not even when Becca started asking questions again.

“Where you from?” Becca said. “It’s been a while since I’ve read your profile.”

“I grew up mostly in Dallas,” he said. “Where are you from?” Finally, he was looking at Becca, giving Evie a breather.

“Why, I’m from here,” Becca said. “Evie and I were assigned to be freshman roommates, and we’ve stuck together ever since.”

“Evie, huh?” he rumbled.

“Yep, and I’m Becca,” she said cheerfully. “Nice to meet you, Carson.”

He nodded, but then he was looking at Evie again.

She should really say something more than “I’m fine,” but Becca seemed to be handling the entire conversation.

“And where are you from, Evie?”

“Uh, I’m, um . . .”

Becca laughed.

She wasn’t helping, at all.