Evie drew away enough so that she was still in his arms, but she could see his smiling face. “I did. Mr. Glen said he was going to present them at the staff meeting this afternoon.”
“That’s amazing news. You’re going to be a huge asset to them, you know.”
Evie’s stomach fluttered with nerves, and something else . . . something like guilt? Regret? She couldn’t exactly identify it.
“Are you really so happy to get rid of me?” she said.
Carson slid his hand slowly across her back. “Are you trying to get rid of me?”
A smile tugged. “No . . .”
“Good,” he said. “Because I’m not going anywhere.” His mouth found hers, and the warmth of his kiss and the press of his body against hers made her head spin.
“Carson,” she whispered against his mouth. “Wait.”
He lifted his head.
“What do you mean you’re not going anywhere?”
“I just got off the phone with my grandad,” he said. “I officially turned down his offer. Maybe Prosper will work for us down the road, but right now, I’m here with you.”
Evie drew in her breath. “You can’t just . . .” But she could see in his eyes that he had.
“Evie, I’m in love with you,” Carson said, his gaze boring into hers. “You’re my number one, sweetness.”
Tears burned in Evie’s eyes. She wasn’t sure why she was crying, because she felt insanely happy. “I don’t know what to say,” she said in a choked voice. “I can’t believe you did that for me.”
“Believe it,” Carson said, his half-smile appearing. “I sent out a bunch of resumes early this morning, and I’ve already had two companies reply. So . . . it looks like we’ll both be hanging out in San Antonio.” He winked.
So she kissed him. They were in a public place, but Evie was good with that.
She’d never felt more secure, more at home, more comfortable and confident than she did when she was with Carson. She sighed as he drew back to gaze at her.
“Can you ditch a class and go celebrate?” he asked.
Evie gazed into the dark eyes of the man she was sure she’d fallen in love with. “What did you have in mind?”
“I kind of have a surprise.”
Her brow wrinkled. “What have you been up to?”
“Come with me, and I’ll show you.”
She loved the way he was looking at her, the way his hands were resting on her hips, the way he was waiting for her approval. So she said, “Okay.”
He opened the passenger door for her.
Once he climbed into his side, she reached for his hand, and he threaded their fingers together. Her heart was full, and her throat burned with emotion. Carson Hunt was planning on staying in San Antonio, and she could barely comprehend that. It was hard for her to argue with him, because she really wanted him with her. All the time.
When they reached a small Mexican restaurant, Evie said, “I’ve heard of this place, but haven’t tried it yet.”
“It’s excellent,” Carson said, flashing her a grin.
They walked hand in hand toward the restaurant, and Evie wondered why there weren’t any other cars in the parking lot. “Does this place open late?”
“Not that I know of,” Carson said, pulling open the front door for her.
She stepped inside to find a charming restaurant with bright colors and glittering lights overhead. There was a huge banner above the hostess stand that said Congratulations. Must be a party going on later? Before she could comment to Carson, a huge shout of “Surprise!” made her snap her head to the left.