She turned her head to meet his gaze. “Hardly.”

“Tonight was the first night I stepped inside a bar, or any sort of social event, in two years,” he said. “The only reason I went to that football party was to track down Devon.”

Evie had no idea that he’s stayed away from social stuff as well. She knew his brother had died and he’d broken up with his girlfriend soon after. He’d talked about hyper-focusing on football and school, which drove some of his friends away.

“So, what was it like, going into a place like Racoons?”

“Honestly?” he said in a quiet voice. “It made me realize that I’ve moved past the party scene and the single scene. I’m open to new friendships, sure, but not in that type of pickup scene. Everyone watching everyone else. Everyone assessing, judging, getting into each other’s business.”

“You mean small-town living?” She had a hard time keeping the bitterness out of her voice.

“If I ever live in Prosper, I’ll not be hanging out at Racoons,” Carson said. “At least, if the atmosphere stays the same.”

Hold on.“What do you mean, if you live in Prosper. I thought you’d accepted your grandad’s offer.”

“I haven’t officially committed,” he said. “I’m keeping my options open.”

This was news to Evie, and now her thoughts had scattered. If Carson wasn’t in Prosper, then where would he be?

“Evie, I need to confess something.”

She nearly stopped breathing. His tone was low, intimate, and his hand had settled on her hip. “Okay,” she whispered.

“I don’t want to be where you aren’t,” he said. “I know I said we’d take things one day at a time, and that’s still the plan. But . . . I can’t stop thinking about you. Even when I’m sleeping, I’m dreaming about you.”

Evie’s heart had risen to her throat. “Carson . . .” But she didn’t know what to say, how to respond.

“I don’t want to put pressure on you, and I told you I wouldn’t,” he said. “When you make your decision, it might influence mine.” The edge of his mouth twitched. “But of course, you could always tell me no.”

“No to what?”

“No to me following you around, asking you out, stealing kisses, just being with you.” He trailed fingers over her collarbone in a whisper touch.

Her breathing had turned ragged. Carson had opened his heart to her, and she knew hers was already there, taking him in. But how was he okay with not moving to Prosper? She had seen how much his grandad meant to him. And now, Carson was waiting for her response. He’d put his feelings on the line.

She lifted a hand to his beautiful face, ran her fingers along the edge of his jaw, his whiskers soft yet rough beneath her touch. Her hand moved to his neck, then behind it, and the strands of his hair tickled her skin. He watched her, his eyes half-slitted, and he was still waiting. But what could she say? That she was foolishly smitten? That she had considered breaking every promise to herself, and moving back to Prosper, to be with him? This wasn’t what he was asking.

“What do you want, truly?” she finally whispered. “Tomorrow? Next month? Next year?”

“You,” he said, and there was no hesitation in his voice.

She kissed him, then. She couldn’t give him the answer he was seeking, not yet, but she didn’t think he was about to turn down her kissing. She was right. Carson immediately responded, covering her mouth with his. Drawing her in deep. His hand splayed across her hip as he pulled her closer, and she melted into him.

She looped both arms about his neck, memorizing the taste of him, the feel of him. Because she never wanted to forget this, no matter what her future brought. “Carson,” she whispered when they both took a moment to breathe, and his hands were tangled in her hair and her face was pressed against his neck.


She loved the way his voice rumbled. “I’m going back to campus tomorrow. I have to sort things out in my mind before that interview. Away from my family and . . . everything.”

Carson stilled, and she could practically hear him thinking, or perhaps arguing with himself.

Finally, he drew away enough that he could study her. “Do you want me to drive you? I can easily cut my trip short.”

“No,” she whispered. “Holt will take me. I texted him while we were at Racoons. He’s coming at 7:00.”

Carson gave a slight nod, but his jaw had tensed.

“Remember when you said we’d take things one day at a time?” she said.