Evie ignored Becca’s phone call. Yeah, she should answer it, but her mind was a whirl. Going into that school had opened a flood of memories, ones that she hadn’t cared to recall. She still felt out of sorts just thinking about it.

When her phone rang a second time, Evie eyed it. What did Becca want? Finally, she snatched up the phone from her bed and answered it.

“Hi, what’s up?” she asked.

“Oh, I was going to leave a voicemail,” Becca said. “Guess what?”

“What?” Evie said, hiding a sigh as she leaned against the stack of pillows on her bed.

“I got my acceptance to medical school!”

“What?” Evie sat up fully. “That’s amazing! Congratulations!”

“I can’t believe it,” Becca gushed. “I mean, I sort of can, but I think I’m in shock.”

“This is so great,” Evie said. “When do you start and all that?”

“August, but I have to sign up for lab work right away,” Becca said. “Everyone says that there’s a waiting list for the morning labs, so unless I want to be there late at night . . .”

Evie listened as Becca continued to tell her the details of what her first year of medical school would be like, and she felt pride expanding in her chest. She hadn’t doubted Becca, but now that it was actually happening, it was amazing.

Becca had a plan, a direction, and a future career, and Evie wondered how that would affect their friendship. They’d both be moving on and no longer roommates. The thought was sobering.

All that was familiar to Evie would change before she knew it.

“So what’s new with Carson?” Becca asked.

Evie blinked. She hadn’t caught the past few things that Becca had said. What had been the segue to talking about Carson?

“He’s great,” Evie said. “We went on a picnic today.” She glossed over the details, even though Becca seemed thoroughly impressed about the picnic. “And I’m actually heading back to campus tomorrow.”

“What? You have another whole weekend.”

“Yeah, I know,” Evie said. “But it’s too hard to get any homework done here, and I’m feeling the pressure from my mom to accept a job at the local school.” After coming home, she had told her mom about meeting with Ms. Jarvis, and her mom had lit up and asked a million hopeful questions.

“Oh, Evie,” Becca said, her tone sounding like a sigh.


“You’re doing it again.”

Evie’s neck prickled. She knew what Becca was talking about.

“You like a guy, and just when he’s interested in you, you run.”

“No,” Evie said immediately. “I’m not running. We’ve kissed . . . a lot. And things are good between us.”

“Did he ask you to reconsider your decision about Prosper?”

“Nothing of the sort,” Evie said. “In fact, it’s much worse than that.”

“What do you mean?” Becca asked in a concerned tone.

“He’s happy that I got the interview with the San Antonio Daily News,” Evie said. “In fact, he said they’d be lucky to have me.”

Becca didn’t respond for a moment, then she said, “Does he know you’re going back tomorrow?”

“No one does,” Evie said, feeling defensive again. “I’ll tell my family after dinner. No reason to be the focus of the dinner conversation.”