Holt eyed him. “Yet, you’re not going to influence her decision in whether to move back?”

“Not unless it’s just my good looks and charm that convince her.”

Holt laughed, and Carson couldn’t have been more relieved.

Then, to his astonishment, the Prosper brother stuck out his hand.

Carson gripped Holt’s hand, and the two men shook.

“All I’m gonna say is that my sister’s a spitfire,” Holt said, “but if you break her heart, you’ll have me and half the town to answer to.”

Carson swallowed, both pride and humility burning in his chest. “Yes, sir.”

As Holt headed off the property, Carson didn’t move for several moments, reviewing the conversation in his mind. Things had gone well, right? It was almost like he had permission from Holt to date his sister. Not that he needed it, and not that Evie needed permission, either.

Yet . . . he felt lighter. He felt amazing. If he wasn’t so dirty and sweaty, he’d head over to Prosperity Ranch right now and talk to Evie. Gingerly, he pulled out his phone from his pocket. Still no reply from her.

Carson trudged to the back patio and tugged off his boots. Inside, he found Grandad with the TV blaring, but he muted it as soon as Carson stepped in.

“So?” Grandad said.

“I didn’t back down, and he shook my hand,” Carson said.

Grandad nodded, then unmuted the TV.

So . . . conversation over. By the time Carson got out of the shower, he was more impatient than ever about Evie not texting him back. Had Holt returned and reported? Was she even at the ranch?

He sat on the edge of his bed and called her number, unable to calm the thumping of his heart. Grandad still had the TV blaring, and was likely taking one of his covert naps he claimed to never need. Relief zinged through Carson when Evie answered.


“Hey,” he said.


He’d been fully prepared to ask her if she’d talked to her mom, or even if she knew about Holt coming over, but instead he said, “Wanna go on a picnic?”

“What? Are you serious?” The laughter in her tone was plain, but he only smiled.

Carson had no idea where the suggestion had come from, but now that he thought about it, it would be the perfect getaway from her family, the town’s eyes, and his grandad.

“Yeah, I’m serious,” he said, still smiling. “Don’t I sound serious?”

“I guess.” She laughed.

His body warmed at her sweet laughter.


“I don’t know,” he said. “You choose. I’ll bring the picnic, and you tell me where to drive.”

“Carson . . . do you even have a picnic basket?”

“Do we need one?” he said, then backtracked. “I’m sure there’s one around here somewhere, or I can grab one.”

“Okay, give me an hour.”

Carson grinned as he hung up. He was going to need every minute of that hour to put together a picnic.