Carson had lied—maybe not to Evie, but to himself. He did have hope for something more. Desired it. With his whole heart, in fact. He wanted her to move back to Prosper. Maybe she just needed to live somewhere other than her family ranch? Were there apartments or rooms for rent in town? He hadn’t seen any apartment or condo complexes.

He also knew that he was moving way too fast in his head. Who would have thought a couple of weeks ago that he’d meet a woman and feel so strongly about her? It was like his heart had been waiting for the right woman. Was it possible that he already knew she was the right one? Problem was, she was struggling with the whole Prosper thing.

It was one thing to declare she wasn’t moving back home to her small town, but it was another to see how upset she was around her family, even though she loved them dearly. Carson knew it wasn’t his place to confront her brothers, or even her father, about what she was feeling and going through. Plus, Evie would probably resent him for interfering.

He did stand by what he told her. She needed to own her decisions about who she dated and when. Which happened to be him, but in general, it seemed that Evie hadn’t really stood up for herself in the past. That day when she’d come flying out of the house to chew out her brothers was probably the first time.

“You got the supplies?” Grandad’s voice rang out from the front porch, where he was stubbing out a cigarette. “Or are you just woolgathering?”

Carson climbed out of the truck. “Both.” He’d taken Evie home, then driven back to the feed store to replenish the washed-out starter plants for the garden.

Grandad walked toward the truck, and Carson met him at the back. He lowered the door to the bed of the truck.

“What in the Sam is all this?” Grandad pointed at the paving stones.

“I’m going to surround the garden with them,” Carson said. “Give it more shape. I looked up a few ideas online.”

“We don’t need to be fancy.”

Carson smiled. “Not intending to be fancy. Just trying to prevent another complete loss if it rains before these new plants take root.”

“All right, then,” Grandad said, picking up one of the flats of small potted plants.

Carson lifted four paving stones and walked with Grandad around the house to the garden. The sun was starting to dry out the land, but it would be hours yet.

He began situating the paving stones while his grandad finished bringing the plants.

“How was your date with Evie Prosper?” Grandad asked after a moment, setting his hands on his hips as he watched.

Carson looked over at him. “She’s an amazing woman, and we’re dating. If I have to answer to the Prosper family, I will.”

Grandad’s jaw tightened. “You’ve made up your mind?”

Carson straightened and met his grandad’s gaze full on. “I have.”

His grandad held his gaze for a moment, then he nodded. “I’ll be inside making a few phone calls to builders about getting a quote for the corrals. Let me know if you need anything.”

Carson nodded. Once his grandad had disappeared into the house, Carson brushed off his hands and pulled his phone from his pocket. He sent Evie a text, but when she didn’t reply soon, he pocketed his phone again. He wondered how talking to her mom or even her family was going. She’d told him that she’d have to preempt any gossip that Barb would spread.

Two hours later, Carson finished up with replanting the garden. The midday sun was great for the ground, but he was half-drenched in both mud and sweat.

“Got a visitor,” Grandad said after pushing open the back door.

Carson turned and shielded his eyes from the sun, hoping that it might be Evie. Although, she probably would have walked around the house. Nope. Holt Prosper’s tall form stepped out of the house behind Grandad.

“How are you doing, Holt?” Carson said as the guy approached.

Holt had his cowboy hat pushed back on his head, and the dirt on his pants told Carson that he’d been hard at work on something.

“I’ve been better,” Holt said, his brows drawn together.

Carson brushed dirt from his hands, but it didn’t do much good. He glanced at his grandad, who was wearing his poker face.

“Is there something I can help you with?” Carson continued, ignoring the knot tightening in his stomach. This had to be about Evie . . .

“There is.” Holt nodded at Grandad, who turned and headed back to the house.

“Wanna sit down?” Carson motioned toward the chairs on the back patio.