“You’re thinking too hard,” he said, his tone teasing. “Stop biting your lip. It just makes me want to kiss you again.”

Evie smirked, and Carson kissed her anyway. It was a soft kiss, a lingering kiss, like he was reluctant to release her.

When he finally did pull away, she had to ask. “Carson . . . ?”


“Why did you kiss me?”

His eyes crinkled at the corners. “Are you sure you want to know?”

What kind of question was that? She nodded.

Carson traced a lazy circle along her neck with his thumb. “Because I like you, Evie Prosper,” he said, “and I’ve been thinking about kissing you for a while.”

“My family—”

His fingers covered her mouth. “Stop. This isn’t about your family.” He moved his fingers and kissed the edge of her mouth. Then he kissed lower, just beneath her jaw. “You’re ruining the mood when you talk about your family while I’m trying to kiss you.”

She could feel his smile against her neck.

“Don’t blame my family,” she said. “It was your grandpa who shined a flashlight in our eyes.”

He chuckled, then continued his exploration of her neck.

Evie was on fire, absolutely going up in flames. She slipped her hands into his hair and closed her eyes as waves of sensation crashed through her. When his lips grazed her collarbone, she knew she had to tell him good night, or her brain would be completely scrambled.

“Carson, I should go.”

His arms tightened about her for a moment as he inhaled, then he lifted his head.

She met his gaze with a half-smile. “Thanks for breaking my no-kissing record.”

His brows quirked. “Really? Is that what’s happening?”

“You said so yourself.”

“Yeah, well . . .” his voice trailed off as he ran his fingers along her braid. “This is not a one-time thing, so you’d better not ghost me.”

Evie’s heart might have fluttered. “You know where to find me. Or my brothers.”

“Hmm.” His gaze was on her, his eyes half-slitted. “What time do you get up? Maybe we can get breakfast at that diner.”

She stared at him. Going out in public with Carson, especially if he did any sort of PDA, would pretty much announce to the entire world that they were . . . together. Did one kiss—okay, a lot of kissing in one night—make them a couple? Were they a couple? Would it be lame to ask? To show how clueless she felt?

“You can say no,” Carson said, his brow wrinkling as he stepped away, leaving a gap of cool air between them. “I mean, if it takes you this long to decide, then I think I know the answer.”

“Wait,” she said, grasping his arm. “I mean, yes, I’ll go to breakfast with you. Is this like a date?”

His gaze searched hers for a moment. “Yes, ma’am. That is, if it’s okay with you.”

“Seven-thirty, then. After the ranch hands get their breakfast, so it’s not too crowded.”

Carson tipped an imaginary hat. “All right, then. I’ll be the guy on your front porch at 7:30 in the morning.”

Her heart was about to burst at the sight of this beautiful man in the moonlight, telling her he’d be picking her up for breakfast in a handful of hours. “Okay.”


She nodded, a smile spreading on her face.

“Good.” He reached around her and opened her door.

But before she could slide past him, he lifted his hand to her jaw to anchor her in place. He kissed her again, chastely, but he lingered, and her eyes floated shut.

“Good night,” he whispered.

“Good night,” she whispered back.