“Really,” he whispered back. “What do you think, sweetness?”

She swallowed. She inhaled, then exhaled. Her stomach felt like she was on the first turn of a rollercoaster. She only had to say one word, and everything would change. She let her eyelids flutter shut, then she said, “Yes.”

Carson’s hand slipped behind her neck, and his mouth found hers. His mouth was warm, and his lips soft. The scruff of his jaw scraped against her chin, sending tingles through her. Carson was kissing her. She was being kissed! For the first time. Ever. She should have frozen, but her imagination seemed to have dreamt of this moment for a very long time, and her arms wrapped around his neck, her heels lifted up, and her body pressed close.

She moved her mouth against his, mimicking his movements, trying to learn, trying to kiss him like he was kissing her. His hand that was braced against the car moved to her waist, and he drew her even closer as he continued to kiss her slowly. Taking his time. Sending bursts of heat through her.

It was hard to catch a full breath, but she didn’t care. Her every sense was on alert as the curves of her body fit against the planes of his. Her fingers found his hair, and she dragged them through his softness. His hand moved up her back, skimming over her sweatshirt, then anchoring at the nape of her neck.

When he broke off their kiss and lifted his head, she opened her eyes to find him gazing at her.

“I think you’re lying,” he rasped.

Surprise zinged through her. “What?”

His eyes were as dark as the night, and his breathing was as rapid as hers. “You kiss like you know what you’re doing.”

His body was still pressed against hers, and she didn’t want him to stop kissing her. Not for a long time. “Maybe I’m a natural.”

A smiled formed on his face. Then he was kissing her again. This time, it wasn’t slow and gentle and simmering. This time, he trapped her against the car, and tugged her hips against his. She opened her mouth to him, and he took it deeper, as if he’d been waiting for her permission. Well, he had it.

She had to clutch his shirt to hang on, because she was pretty sure her feet weren’t touching the ground. And she was also pretty sure she wouldn’t ever release him. Carson’s mouth on hers was an ambrosia she could have never imagined or dreamed up. Was it him? Or was all kissing like this?

A light blared to her right, and it took her a second to realize that the porch light had turned on. Was Carson’s grandpa . . .

Carson didn’t release her, though. He seemed to be completely oblivious to the screen door creaking open and his grandpa’s voice calling out, “Carson, you out there? You didn’t lock up.”

Evie didn’t know whether to laugh or be mortified. Carson hadn’t moved, hadn’t released her, although now he was resting his forehead against hers. Grinning at her.

“Your grandpa’s on the porch,” she whispered.

“I know,” Carson said. “Give him a minute, he’ll go away.”

“I can hear you, Carson,” his grandpa said. “Where are you?”

Then, a flashlight shone in their faces.

Carson turned, holding up his hand against the glare. “Pops! Turn it off!”

“Oh, you are out here,” his grandpa said. “I wasn’t sure.”

“Turn it off,” Carson demanded again, and the flashlight flicked off.

Evie thought she heard a chuckle from the old man.

“Good night, Evie,” Mr. Hunt said before going back inside and letting the screen door snap closed behind him.

“Good night, Mr. Hunt,” Evie said in a tremulous tone.

Carson pulled her close again, his hands sliding over her shoulders.

“Sorry about that,” he rumbled.

“I did warn you that kissing me was a hazard.”

Carson smiled. “You did. But I think we got plenty of kissing in before we were interrupted, so I consider that progress.”

Evie knew what was coming next. He’d release her, and she’d get in the car and drive back home. Then she’d lay awake reliving it all again and again. And tomorrow? What? Would she and Carson hang out? Kiss again? Avoid each other? She was so lost.