Evie really shouldn’t be making a habit of slipping over to the Hunt property at midnight. But the moon had been peeking through the clouds for the past hour, reminding her of the stargazing from last night, and so she’d finally climbed out of bed and left the house. One thing led to another, and before she knew it, she was in her mom’s car, driving off the property.

Would Carson be awake? What would he think of her sudden appearance again?

He and his grandpa had come over for dinner again, and the entire conversation had been about Mr. Hunt building some corrals on his land, and Holt boarding more horses there. Everyone seemed to be in favor, and the discussions went long past dinner. Evie had listened, with only partial interest though, since her mind could only focus on how Carson’s gaze kept moving to her.

Was it possible for a man to be better looking with every passing hour? Or was she just letting her crush on Carson get out of control? He’d held her hand in the truck, and he’d suggested she give Prosper a try. Was it because he wanted to be around her more? Was she reading too much into it? Why else would he hold her hand?

Evie was terrible at reading signals, she decided.

So, this was the real reason she was pulling up to the Hunt house so late at night. If Carson did come out of the house, then yeah, she was going to ask him point blank. Do you like me? Why did you hold my hand?

She took a deep breath and climbed out of the car. It was then she realized that she wasn’t exactly wearing normal clothes. Her PJ shorts and oversized sweatshirt were something to lounge in bed with, but not to pay a late-night visit to a very hot male.

And . . . there he was. Sitting on the top step of the porch, as if he’d been . . . waiting for her?

“Hi,” she said as he rose to his feet. “Sorry I didn’t tell you I was coming over. I needed to ask you a couple of things. Away from my family.” She might be talking too fast, but it seemed easier that way.

He hadn’t said a word, but just walked toward her, all hunky and tall in the moonlight. At least he had a shirt on, so that was very, very good. He still had his boots on, but no cowboy hat. The earlier breeze of the day had grown into a stronger wind, and his button-down shirt rippled against his torso.

“I’m glad I didn’t wake you, though,” she said because he still wasn’t talking, but she could feel the intensity of his gaze.

He stopped in front of her, his thumbs hooked into the belt loops of his jeans. “What would you have done if you had?”

Evie bit her lip. What kind of question was that? “Apologize?”

The edge of his mouth lifted, and her heart skipped a beat, or two or three.

“I wouldn’t have minded,” he said.

“If I apologized or woke you up?”

He lifted his shoulders. “Either. Although the clouds are covering the stars tonight, so that sky’s not much to look at.” He was studying her face, as if he wanted to read her thoughts. “What did you need to ask me?”

“Uh,” she started, her earlier gumption fading fast. It was darker than usual tonight with the clouds, and although the moonlight peeked through, they were surrounded by the cool, black night. She was also noticing the scruff on his jaw, and she guessed he hadn’t shaved since spring break started. It made him look more rugged, more cowboy-like—the type she’d sworn off because they stayed in small towns. “I guess I wanted to know why you’re being so nice to me.”

His forehead creased. “What do you mean?”

What did she mean? “Well, I can’t figure out why you’re being so nice to me. Do you like me, or are you just in cahoots with my family and trying to talk me into coming back to Prosper?”

“I barely know your family.”

“I know, but they can be very persuasive.” She set her hands on her hips. “I mean, my dad is the mayor, and my brothers are going into business with your grandpa, and my mom has fed you dinner twice.”

Carson was still staring at her, like he wasn’t sure how to answer. Then he smiled.

“What? Are they bribing you or something?”

Carson ran a hand through his hair, then shook his head. “You’re something else, Evie Prosper.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

He stepped closer and lowered his head, his voice quiet when he said, “You really came over here to ask me if your family was bribing me to be nice to you so that you’d want to move back to Prosper?”

Evie swallowed. “Yes?” She inched back because Carson had moved closer again. Her back brushed the side of the car. Any closer, and they’d be touching. She caught his scent of musk and soap.

“Evie,” he said, his voice a low rumble. Had he always said her name like that? “The answer is no, your family isn’t bribing me in any way, shape, or form.” He set his hand on the car, next to her shoulder, nearly trapping her between the car and his body, although he still wasn’t touching her.

“Then why?”