Lane’s brows pulled together. “You’re acting weird, sis.”

“I am not,” she said immediately, although her cheeks were starting to burn hot. Could her brother read her mind? Was she acting weird?

Lane folded his arms. “Just admit it, you like him.”


“You know who I mean.”

And she did. Evie kept her shoulders stiff, her expression neutral, her eyes on the horse. “So what are your plans the rest of the day?”

Lane scoffed, since he likely knew she was trying to change the subject. “Carson’s coming over, and I want to run a business deal past him.”

“Of course you do.” The words were matter-of-fact, without malice. Just because Lane was still in college himself didn’t mean he wasn’t full of ideas on improving the profitability of the ranch.

“You can hang out with us if you want,” Lane said, nudging her shoulder.

She could hear the smile in his voice without even looking at him.

“We’ll see,” she said simply. Over her dead body.