Grandad nodded. “Word is that he took his inheritance on an early draw. Went through a divorce, and his ex-wife married Holt, Knox’s older brother.”

“Wow,” Carson said. “That’s a lot of family drama.” He’d heard nothing about it from Evie, but why would she tell him in the first place?

“Just prepping you if we decide to go eat at their place tonight.”

Carson eyed his grandad. “What do you think?”

“I’m always up for some entertainment.”

Carson laughed. “Yes, you are.”

After they left the arena, they stopped at the feed store, and Carson loaded up on more gardening implements and fertilizer. “What do you want to plant?”

Grandad rattled off a few things, and Carson bought starters for several vegetables.

The moment they returned to the dilapidated ranch, Carson set up the television, then he told Grandad he’d be working on the garden. “You can take a nap if you want.”

“Nap?” Grandad said, as he settled into the overstuffed chair in front of the TV to make sure he could see the screen okay. “When in the Sam have I ever taken a nap?”

Carson chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck. “It’s just a suggestion, Pops.”

Grandad waved him off with a grunt, and Carson headed out the back. As he worked, he thought about Evie and what she’d said about Prosper. Yeah, it was a tiny town, but Carson didn’t mind that. He was past the years of intense football workouts and playing games. Past the years of high school dating. Past a lot of stuff. Life had changed when he’d lost his brother. Family had always been important, and now it was everything.

He understood Evie’s sentiments of wanting to live in a bigger city, but he also wondered where she’d end up. These weren’t things he should be dwelling on. Evie was a beautiful woman, an interesting person, and she’d made it clear her mind was made up. Not that it would affect Carson either way. He had no intention of getting involved with a woman at this point in his life. Maybe a couple of years down the road, when more time had passed, and his emotions had settled. And seeing an accident didn’t shut him down.

Three hours later, he was in need of a shower, but he’d made a lot of progress in the garden. He’d cleared out all of the dead stuff and turned over the soil, mixing in some fertilizer.

He headed into the house for a drink and found Grandad sound asleep in his chair. Carson left him to his nap and jumped in the shower, then changed. It was nearly six, and when he came out of the bedroom, he hesitated, debating whether or not to wake up his grandad.

But Carson did want to see Evie again, and it was probably a good idea to be a decent neighbor.

“Grandad,” Carson said, nudging his shoulder.

The old man’s eyes flew open. “Huh? What’s happening?”

Carson held back a laugh. “You were asleep.”

“Like Sam I was.” Grandad pushed off the chair. “What time is it?”

“Ten to six.”

“We got a dinner appointment,” Grandad said. “What are you waiting for? Come on.” He snatched the hat from where he’d left it on the kitchen counter, then strode to the front door. “You’re driving again.”

Carson shook his head as he followed Grandad. It was always an adventure with him. And he hoped to get some serious time this week to go over the entirety of Grandad’s company and make sure this was something he could do and not screw up.

As they drove the short distance to Prosperity Ranch, Grandad continued to talk about Evie’s family. All about a little girl named Ruby and how the mayor’s other daughter was in some sort of famous culinary school.

When they pulled up close to the driveway, it seemed they’d been heard arriving, and one of Evie’s brothers walked out.

He headed straight for the truck as Carson climbed out.

“Carson, right?” he said.

“Right, and you are . . .”

“Lane.” His blue eyes were a shade murkier than his sister’s. “Holt’s in the barn. Wanna come with me for a second?”

Carson glanced over at Grandad, wondering if he was invited, too, or what this invitation was all about.