“Hey, Rachel.”

Rachel smiled and continued walking, and Evie realized she was nearly to the commons—the hangout place at the university. Tonight was no different. Students perched on tables and sat on benches. Some were eating ice cream from the university creamery. Beyond was a green belt, and a grass volleyball game was in full swing under the park lights.

Evie scanned the far north table, where Devon had said he’d meet her. Right now, another couple was there, holding hands, and looking like they weren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Evie blew out a breath as she headed toward the table. She couldn’t kick them off, so she’d just stay close in order to see Devon when he crossed the commons. She knew which direction he’d come from: the football house, where a bunch of the players lived.

The football house was a huge party destination from what she’d heard. Evie had stuck to the dorms after hearing nightmare stories of girls not paying their share of utilities or having all-night ragers. Just because Evie hadn’t been kissed yet didn’t mean that she was anti-partying or having fun. But she loved her sleep, and her grades were important. She came from a hard-working ranch family, and money might not be exactly tight, but Evie didn’t want to take advantage of her parents agreeing to cover her living expenses so she could take full-time classes.

Her summer jobs helped with the expenses as well, and she’d also stored up some savings in case she didn’t get employed right away.

“Are you waiting for someone?” a low voice said next to her ear.

Evie nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned around, pretty sure she was fully blushing. And there he was. Devon. The hottest guy on campus. His blonde hair was teased into messy spikes, and his dark green eyes were fringed with long eyelashes that should be illegal. But it was his smile that tugged at every woman’s heartstrings on campus.

That smile was directed at her right now, and Evie’s face flamed. Because at that moment, Devon grasped her hand and said, “Wanna go to a party?”