He finally releases me, and I slump back forward. The smell of blood and urine is overwhelming, and my stomach churns even though it’s something I’m used to now.

“What do you think, Delilah?” Quinton asks. “Does this convince you I mean business? This isn’t a game. Who was he to you? What did you have to do with his family?”

Everything and nothing.

“He was my brother,” I finally admit. Whatever he is going to do to me, he will, regardless. I should have realized that sooner. “Satisfied?”

“Your brother is dead now,” he states all matter-of-fact.

“No kidding. I thought that was paint on the wall behind him.”

“You have more spirit than he did, that’s for sure. So you’re a Valentine?”

“I’m a Wallace. I might have shared blood with Matteo, but I was never allowed his name.” I wasn’t allowed anything.

“And it means nothing to you, seeing him like this?”

I wish I would feel nothing. He never deserved my love, but the naïve little girl inside me always looked for his approval. I just wanted all of them to accept me, to love me. I know they never did, but that didn’t make them less of my family.

On the plus side, they have taught me to hide my feelings well, so it doesn’t take me a lot to reply without a lick of empathy. “He played with fire. When you play with fire, do you cry when you get burned?”

“Most people would puke their guts out seeing someone like this, not to mention a family member. You know what your reaction tells me? That you are not innocent. You are more of a Valentine than you claim.”

I turn my head away, not wanting him to see my reaction.

“Delilah’s number was in Nash’s phone. He called her quite a bit after your attack.”

At the mention of Nash’s name, my head snaps up to take a better look at the girl in the room.

Fuck. It’s her. I recognize her right away.

I’ll never forget what I saw.

“I had nothing to do with that. I’m not an animal.” I turn my attention back to Quinton. “Is that what this is about?”

He crouches down beside me again, wrinkling his nose at the smell. “You mean to tell me you knew nothing about it? Matteo’s own sister?”

“We shared blood, but that’s about it.”

“Were you close with Nash?” My throat tightens at the mention of his name. I have no option but to lie to them.

“Not very. I heard about what they did to you.” I glance up at Aspen. “I was disgusted, and I told him so.”

“Nash is dead now.”

I’m deadpan. No. No…

Nash. No, he can’t be dead.

I don’t have time to even process that, so rather than flinch, I force a snort. “So he got burned, too. They took it too far.”

Apparently, my act isn’t enough to convince him because he reaches for the gun anyway.

“Shall I do the honors?” he asks Aspen.

“I told you. I didn’t know anything about it.” My desperate pleas fall on deaf ears. My whole body is shaking, and if I wasn’t on my knees already, I’d probably be by now.

“You’re a part of the family. And they’re dead now. I don’t like leaving loose ends.”

“A family that wouldn’t let me share their name. They kept me a secret because I was a girl. Do you think I give a shit whether they’re alive or dead? I couldn’t care less. And I don’t deserve to die for what they did.”

Aspen exchanges a look with Quinton. Does she believe me? “I’m tired of death,” she announces. “She wasn’t there that night. That’s good enough for me. And if she was guilty of anything…” She shivers, looking around. “I think she’s paid her price.”

“Do you hear that? My wife is granting you mercy. If it were up to me, your brains would join his on that wall.” He points at the grotesque splatter as if to remind me. “But Aspen is compassionate enough to let you live. She’s endured far worse than you have since you got here, and she wants to let you go. Every morning you open your eyes, I want you to remember that, and I want you to be grateful to her. Do you hear me?”

“Yes,” I manage to whisper, then look up at Aspen. “Thank you.”

Quinton pulls out a cell phone and types a message into it. “They’re going to take you home,” he announces. “And if you say a fucking word about this, so help me God, you won’t live to see tomorrow. I’ll be watching you. Got it?”

I’m too scared to ask who they might be. I just hope it is not those two goons from before. “Understood.” A single sob bursts from my lips as I fight to get back up on my feet.

Quinton motions for me to wait here before taking Aspen’s arm and leading her away. He doesn’t close the door behind them, and for a moment, I’m thinking about making a run for it.