
We’re an hour into the party, and I’ve met almost everyone on the team, including their significant others. Brienne stopped by for a short appearance. She made the rounds, ensuring she spoke with every person before jetting off to another party she’d been invited to for one of her other holdings. Watching the woman actually makes me tired, how she’s always on the go.

Currently, we’re standing in a small group talking—me, Gage, Baden, Sophie, and the second lineman, Boone Rivers, who is dateless tonight. Stone and Harlow are off refilling their drinks.

The one person I haven’t talked to, and it’s not intentional, is our hostess, Aneta. I met her husband, Darius, who seems quite nice, but Gage kept steering me away from her and the gaggle of women hovering around her.

As Boone, Baden, and Gage talk about guy things—I think the current topic is sports cars—my gaze drifts over to Aneta. She’s stunning, of course, and holds court like a queen. She completely ignored me that first night I met her—when Gage rescued me from her cattiness.

It’s a sweet memory, but I don’t need rescuing now.

I push my drink into Gage’s hand. “Will you hold this a second?”

“Sure,” he replies, taking it without thought. He drops back into conversation with the guys, but Sophie tips her head in question.

“I’ll be right back. I just want to say hello to Aneta.”

Sophie’s eyes go round with shock, and while I thought Gage had been fully invested in his conversation, he apparently had some of his attention on me as his head turns. He scowls slightly, but I pat his arm. “It’ll be fine.”

I walk away from them, feeling the heavy press of Gage’s and Sophie’s eyes on me as I move toward Aneta’s crowd. The women are closed in tight, hanging on every word she says.

I have to tap a woman’s shoulder to move her aside, and she startles before giving me access to the circle. The movement catches Aneta’s attention and she plasters a smile in place as she takes me in.

She says not a word but tilts her head as if I’m nothing but a curiosity.

I hold out my hand to her. “Hi, Aneta. We met at a Titans party not long ago. I’m Jenna Holland, the media liaison with the Pittsburgh Titans.”

“Oh yes,” she says in her lilting Czech accent as her eyes rake over the scars on my jaw and neck. We shake hands, and her grip is cold and limp. “Of course I remember you.”

“I just wanted to take a minute and thank you for such a lovely party. I’ve had a wonderful time.”

“Oh,” she says, looking around at her friends before her eyes come back to me. “I hadn’t realized Darius invited the front office staff.”

“I’m sure he didn’t,” I reply smoothly. “I came with Gage Heyward.”

I glance over my shoulder and nod his way. His eyes are pinned on me, jaw clenched, ready to run in to rescue me should I look the slightest bit uncomfortable.

Aneta’s eyes widen in surprise as she looks at Gage watching us like a hawk.

“Anyway,” I continue, reclaiming her attention, “I was hoping maybe we could get together for lunch or coffee sometime. I think it’s important all of us women come together to support our guys.”

I watch her carefully. Up until this moment, I’d decided to give Aneta the benefit of the doubt. First impressions aren’t always accurate.

And to my delighted surprise, her smile warms. “I think that’s a lovely idea.”

We chat for a few more minutes. She introduces me to some of the other ladies who are gracious merely because Aneta decided I’m acceptable. Whether we actually ever do lunch or coffee is anyone’s guess, but I just ingratiated myself into the family branch of this team, and my offer was legit. I’m hoping I can make true connections with all the significant others.

When I’m back at Gage’s side and the conversation has shifted elsewhere, his arm comes around me. Leaning down to my ear, he whispers, “That was the most badass move I’ve ever seen a woman make. You walked right into the lioness’s den without a single regard to your own safety.”

“I knew I had you as backup,” I say lightly, blowing it off.

“Bullshit. You’d have killed me if I came in to rescue you if things went south.”

I chuckle, because it’s true. I wanted to stand on my own, and I did.

“How’d it feel?” he asks, and I tip my head to look at him. “Letting people see you as you are.”

I shrug, considering the entire exchange. “Honestly, it didn’t feel like much at all.”

“Then I suppose that’s the highest compliment you can pay yourself.”

“Because I felt… like myself.”

Gage leans down and brushes his lips against my temple. “You’re magnificent. That’s all I know.”

Leaning into him, I wrap my arms around his waist and squeeze. “I’ll admit… being with the hottest guy here is a bit of an ego boost.”