I don’t know this woman at all, and I don’t know if I’ll ever see her again after today, but I know I’m not going to take the easy way out. I’m not going to let her either.

I step onto the sidewalk and move around her, so she’s forced to face me. I’m pleased to see she doesn’t hesitate to tip her head back to meet my eyes, and I think that’s her courage shining through.

“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable when I first walked in,” I say.

She flushes, but holds my gaze. “I don’t know what you mean.”

“You do,” I admonish kindly. “You’ve been withdrawn since we met, and I can pinpoint the exact moment. It’s when I caught sight of the scars on your jaw.” Pointedly, I look at them again, and she reaches to her turtleneck to pull it up.

Without thinking, I catch her hand and hold it in mine.

Pulling it down, I say, “Don’t hide.”

She blinks at me in surprise, but I can feel her relax. I let her hand fall from my grip.

“Sorry. Habit, I guess,” she mutters.

“I can understand that,” I reply with a smile. “But honest to God, Jenna, that’s not what first caught my attention. It was your eyes and the way the light hit them that shocked me more than your scars. So yeah… my gaze might have dropped to your jaw as I was taking you in, but if you think back… they went right back up to your eyes. They are captivating.”

She tilts her head, eyebrows drawn slightly inward with obvious skepticism.

“If I made you uncomfortable about the scars, it was unintentional. I’d like to tell you they’re hardly noticeable, but that would be a lie.” Jenna flinches, but I’m not done. “What I will tell you as truth is that while they are noticeable, they are not what first captured my attention or held it. Your eyes completely outshine the scars.”

Like a wide-eyed owl, she blinks at me as if she’s never been paid a compliment. And I could absolutely go on because she’s a stunning woman. Her face is gorgeous, with high cheekbones, full lips, and golden hair that flows for miles in silky layers. Her skin is sun-kissed, like she grew up with the sun always shining down on her.

But it’s mostly her eyes that are hard to look away from.

Finally, her expression softens, and she shakes her head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let it bother me.”

“You have nothing to apologize for,” I assure her.

“Actually, I do,” she says with a deep sigh. “I’m working hard to put myself out there and give humanity a chance to be real with me. I should’ve given you the benefit of the doubt. I can see you’re a nice guy.”

“I’m a totally nice guy,” I say, spreading my arms out. “And now you can say you made your first friend in Pittsburgh.”

Jenna sticks her hand out and smiles. “It’s very nice to meet you, Gage.”

I again take her hand, soft and delicate. “Nice to meet you, too, Jenna. And if you ever catch me staring at you, be assured it’s totally your eyes that have my attention.”

I had not meant for that to come out as a flirtation, but damn if it doesn’t sound that way to my own ears. Clearly to Jenna’s as well—she blushes but manages a joke. “Maybe I’ll wear mirrored aviators around you. Wouldn’t want you bumping into walls or anything.”

I tip my head back and laugh. Squeezing her hand before I release it, I jingle the keys. “I’ll move the truck, and then I’ll be up to help with the rest of the unpacking.”

“You don’t have to,” she says as I brush past her to round the truck. “I’m sure you have better things to do.”

“Nothing better to do than help out a pretty friend,” I assure her, and I can’t help but like the fact that I make her blush again.



“Are you even listening to me?” Emory says.

“Of course I am,” I reply, although I have no clue what she just said. At least not prior to her pointing out that I wasn’t listening to her.

I’ve been thinking about Gage again.

He left a few hours ago, along with Baden and Sophie, after helping me get mostly unpacked. The only thing that’s left is for Emory and me to set up my bedroom, which includes unpacking my clothing and making the bed. We ordered subs to be delivered for dinner, which we’ll eat as soon as we finish this. Then we’re going to crack open the wine Baden and Sophie brought as a housewarming gift.

Emory is flying back to Phoenix first thing in the morning. She’s the VP of digital marketing and analytics for the Arizona Vengeance professional hockey team. Now that I’m working for a professional hockey team as well, our parents have been bragging to everyone who will listen and we find it hilarious.