Code for, Where’s Jenna?

Baden nods in the direction of another room. “Talking to some of the women. Darius’s wife grabbed her and insisted on taking her around for introductions. Apparently, Aneta has become the social cruise director for all the Titan women.”

“And you let her go?” I ask with a chuckle. While I don’t know Aneta all that well—just met her once—I’ve heard Darius complain about her enough. They were apparently sweethearts back in the Czech Republic before he came to play in the States, but I have no clue why they’re still married. He says she’s a gold digger who only cares about spending his money on the most expensive, ridiculous things, although he didn’t begrudge her breast enhancements.

I’m surprised Baden let Sophie go, not because Aneta would rub off on her but because Sophie won’t have any patience for that superficial stuff.

Baden shrugs. “She’s got to learn how to survive in this world if she’s going to be at my side.”

“Bullshit. You’re too overprotective.”

Baden grins mischievously. “Well… she’s not by herself, so I figured there was power in numbers.”

“Jenna’s with her?” I deduce hopefully.

“She is indeed, and I’m sure the two of them can handle themselves together.”

I’m sure they can, too, but now that I know Jenna’s here, I don’t want to sit around and chitchat with Baden.

“I’m going to grab a drink… check out the scene,” I say as I try to figure out which room they might be in.

Baden smirks. “You mean, you’re going to look for Jenna.”

Not a Sherlock moment. I haven’t hidden my interest, but I’m curious how he feels about it. “Is that cool?”

“If I didn’t like it, you wouldn’t be going to look for her,” Baden promises darkly before winking. “But I guess you’re a good enough guy that I shall allow it.”

Laughing, I punch his shoulder and leave him behind.

I am detained for a few more introductions, but eventually, I locate Sophie and Jenna standing with a group of women by the other bar.

And as I’d thought, both she and Sophie don’t look overly enthused to be among the other women, including Darius’s wife, Aneta. She’s a tall, dark-haired beauty with flawless hair, makeup, and clothes, but more importantly, she’s the center of attention. I stand back a minute and watch the dynamics, curious as to how this will play out.

Aneta’s doing all the talking, waving her hands and making sure to look each woman in the eye so she knows their eyes are only on her.

Except… she doesn’t look at Jenna. Passes right over her as she continues with whatever story she’s spouting. I don’t recognize the other women—no clue if they’re wives, girlfriends, or puck bunnies, but they’re engrossed. Aneta laughs about something, then whips out her phone and motions for the women to huddle in for a selfie.

Jenna and Sophie don’t move, but Aneta steps forward and grabs Sophie. Hauls her right into the group for a photo, completely ignoring Jenna. I can make a few guesses as to why. First, Sophie is known to be with Baden, and Baden is a coach and about the most famous person associated with this team, given his history. Aneta would consider Sophie an important figure in her social circle, even though anyone who knows Sophie knows she’d never have anything in common with someone as vain as Darius’s wife.

Aneta is specifically excluding Jenna, as are the other women. Sophie looks pissed at being forced to endure the group photo, but she makes no effort to pull Jenna in with her, and that’s the right call. Jenna would be mortified to have attention brought to the exclusion.

I study Jenna while Aneta purses her lips and pouts for the camera, taking different angles.

Jenna seems to have shrunken in on herself. I can tell by her body language she’s incredibly uncomfortable, the way her hand hovers at the collar of her turtleneck.

It looks good on her… the turtleneck. A deep blue that hugs her frame all too well and reminds me what a beautiful, curvy body she has. She paired the top with black, wide-leg pants, and very high heels peek from below the hem. Her long hair is loose and wavy around her shoulders, but I can’t see her eyes. They’re downcast.

Time for me to step in.

I stride across the room toward the women, and unfortunately it’s Aneta who notices me first. She flashes a pearly smile and pushes out of the group. “Gage Heyward… you gorgeous devil.” Her voice is husky, and her R’s roll with her heavy Czech accent. “Come take selfie with us.”

I glance at Jenna, whose eyes widen upon seeing me, then to Sophie, who looks relieved at my intrusion. I give her a quick wink, then give my regard briefly to Aneta while moving right to Jenna. “Sorry… no time. I’ve been waiting all evening to snag a minute with this woman here.”