I’m up out of my seat and grabbing my bag. “I’ll see you in Peachtree City, Krissy. Bye, everyone,” I call to the others as I walk off in the direction of the cars. I definitely don’t want to stick around and watch as Kimber asks Kade out. I want to look back so badly, but I don’t let myself. There’s no reason to punish myself, that’s for sure.

I almost make it to the car when I hear someone calling my name. “Megan.”

I stop suddenly, and before I even turn, I know that voice. I suck in a breath, turn, and sure enough, Coach Kade is jogging toward me. My mind starts to race. Did I pay the last installment of the player fees? I know I did. “Hey, Coach.”

He smiles as he stops in front of me. He’s so close I can smell his aftershave, and I take a deep breath as I try to commit the scent to memory. It’s woodsy and outdoorsy and way too tempting. “So I was wondering if you’re going to be at the tournament?”

I tilt my head to the side. “In Peachtree City?”

He nods. “Yeah, that’s the one.”

I nod and grab on to my long hair, twirling a curl around my finger. It’s something I do when I’m nervous, and wow, I’m definitely nervous now. “Uh, yeah, Ty will be there.”

He nods and takes a step forward. “Yes, I know Ty will be there. I’m wondering if you’re going to be there.”

My mouth drops, and I close it quickly. Shoot, he’s probably wondering if my ex is bringing Ty or something. “Oh, yeah, I’m bringing him. Mark is going to come toward the end of the week, but I’ll be bringing Ty. Is there something you want to talk to Mark about? I can have him call you.”

He shakes his head as he watches me closely. “No, I’m asking because I was hoping you were coming.”

This time, my mouth falls open, and I don’t even think to close it. He smiles and reaches up where a strand is wrapped around my finger. He points his finger and strokes it along my hair. “Soft.”

I bite my lip to hold in the whimper. Darn it, I swear I’m having déjà vu because in my dream the other night, he ran his hands through my hair. I pull my shoulders back and stand a little taller. “Thanks... thank you.”

“I’ll see you in Georgia. Call me if you need anything.”

I nod, speechless. He smiles and drops his hand. When he turns to go, I stop him. “Kade...”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I regret it. “Forget it.”

He shakes his head and smiles, stepping toward me. “No, what is it?”

I pull my bag farther up my shoulder. “Nothing... I mean, it’s none of my business.”

He laughs, and the sound vibrates through me. Damn, his laugh is even sexy. “You can ask me anything.” And when I open my mouth to tell him to forget it, he shakes his head. “And I’m not leaving until you ask. I’m curious now.”

I look toward the field, and Ty is walking toward the parking lot with his friends. Shoot, I better make it quick. Nothing like making a fool of myself. “Uh, I was just wondering how it went. Kimber said she was asking you out.”

He nods his head. “She did.”

I wait breathlessly for him to continue, and when he does, I’m pretty sure you can hear my heart break just a little. “Yeah, I told her that I’m already involved with someone else.”

“Oh.” I nod without blinking, trying to keep my face clear of emotion.

He reaches over and squeezes my shoulder. “See you soon.”

I nod and watch him walk away. I’m so confused. I’m still not sure why he was wondering if I was going to be there, but I refuse to get my hopes up about it. And I had no clue he was involved with someone. As soon as Ty gets to the car, I open the trunk. “How was practice?”

He answers with “I’m starving,” and I can’t stop the laugh that explodes from me. He’s always hungry. The ride home is filled with talk about practice and the upcoming tournament. I try to put all thoughts of Kade to the back of my mind, but I know that tonight when I’m all alone, thoughts of Kade are what I’m going to be falling asleep to.

Chapter 3


My truck has been packed since six o’clock this morning. The trip to Peachtree City is three hours, and check-in isn’t until four so I know I have plenty of time, but I’m excited to get there and see Megan. I’m about to say screw it and go ahead and get on the road when my phone rings.

I answer it on the first ring and notice it’s my sister-in-law as I bring the phone up to my ear. “What’s up, Kris?”