“We are.” He smiled sleepily at me, eyes drifting shut. “And I’m sorry. For keeping you waiting.”

Duncan yawned big and nuzzled into my shoulder.

“You didn’t.” I petted his hair. “Even if you did, you were so worth it.”

I dropped a kiss on his temple as he drifted off to sleep. I wasn’t remotely sleepy, but I was happy to let energy thrum through me while I wallowed in the pleasure of holding him.

Chapter Thirty-Two


I was pretty proud of how I fucked Duncan back to sleep. In fact, I could have watched his blissed-out, dozing face for hours, but I was also hungry. And feeling both generous and domestic, I decided to make us breakfast rather than search out delivery options near Duncan’s high-rise condo.

I shivered as I crept from the bed. The air conditioning in his place was rather brutal, and I pulled the covers over him, tucking him in with a last kiss. I couldn’t remember where I’d tossed my bag during our late-night arrival. Not wanting to wake Duncan, I grabbed a convenient shirt from his nearby walk-in closet. Unsurprisingly, there were no T-shirts in sight, but I helped myself to a thick NAVY sweatshirt that seemed barely worn and a pair of running shorts that were a little wide, but the drawstring took care of that passably enough as I resumed my hunt for food.

The fridge was black-hole level empty, not surprising after Duncan had had so many weeks away, but I was determined. The freezer yielded some fancy chicken sausages. He lacked eggs, but his pantry had a box of protein-rich pancake mix. A carton of snack-sized applesauce containers sparked some distant memory of my mom using that as an egg replacer.

I fetched a bowl and debated whether two or three little round containers of applesauce would equal two eggs for the two coffee cups full of mix I’d added to the bowl. I was about to text my mom for an emergency consult when the front door opened with a snick and the beeping sound of an alarm being disabled.

“Hello?” I called cautiously, grabbing the heavy skillet I’d found in my kitchen exploring and stepping out from behind the counter to see the entryway better. And worse than discovering some media member gone rogue or one of Duncan’s SEAL business partners, Danny’s cheerful self greeted me, along with his hulking giant of a boyfriend I’d only met a couple of times.

Fuck me now. Of course, the two of them would have a key.

“Ezra?” Danny tilted his head, smile dipping and the tray of iced coffees in his hands wobbling. “What are you doing here? We brought Duncan breakfast as a surprise. But I didn’t even know you were in town.”

“And when did you enlist?” Cash pointed at the sweatshirt I was wearing. The very obviously not-mine sweatshirt and too-big shorts. Fuck.

“Are those Duncan’s clothes?” Danny’s eyes went wider.

“What the—” The man in question made everything worse by wandering down the hall in nothing but a pair of boxers riding low on his hips. “Thought I heard voices.”

“You did.” Cash leaned against the open front door, considering Duncan through guarded eyes. “Guess you forgot you gave us the code.”

“Did you call them?” Duncan frowned over at me.

“Not me!” I protested, holding up the skillet. “I was making you breakfast when they let themselves in.”

“You were making me breakfast?” Duncan’s face went soft and precious, making my heart clench. He deserved all the treats. I’d make my mom write me a whole damn cookbook if it got me more looks like that.

“You were making breakfast?” Danny echoed, blinking so much he might as well be a hazard light. “Why were you cooking for Duncan? In his clothes?”

Stepping closer, Cash nudged Danny with his shoulder. “Maybe not our business…”

“Why—oh.” Danny went from confused to furious, jaw tightening and eyes narrowing as his gaze swept from me to Duncan and back again. “My best friend slept with my brother? I’m not sure which of you to be more pissed at.”

“Maybe they’re both idiots,” Cash said mildly as footsteps sounded outside the door, which remained open.

“I brought the food. Nice job waiting for me, Money.” Another guy popped his head in the doorway because that was what we needed. More people and more confusion. I recognized the guy from Duncan’s phone pictures as his business partner, Harley. He had a huge bag of foil-wrapped breakfast tacos that smelled spicy and carby and made my stomach rumble. It must have been audible because Harley swiveled in my direction.

“Why didn’t you tell me the LT had company?” he asked.

“We didn’t know.” Danny continued to look ready to commit a felony

“Any friend of the LT is—Wait.” Harley took a step closer, peering more intently at me. “You’re Ezra Moon.”

“I am.” No sense in denying it, but I could soft-pedal it somewhat. “Duncan let me crash here. We’re just—”