“Yeah, it’ll likely get out, but I’m not doing a press release either.” He shrugged against me. “It’ll come out when it comes out, organically. I’ve had enough with staged appearances for a good long while.”

I shifted positions, unable to stop my restless legs. “Planning to not have a plan makes me twitchy.”

“I know, baby.” Ezra reached forward and rubbed my tense legs, adjusting himself so he could wrap them around himself, squeeze me close. “Would it help if we did do some sort of formal announcement? Leak something to a favorable media member?”

“God, no.” The thought alone of a planned leak or staged photo made my stomach churn. But then I had a second thought, one equally unpleasant. “But I do need a date for a thing.”

“Your dad’s wedding?”

“You saw the headlines?” I made a disgusted sound. Of course, Ezra had seen. The whole damn world was either laughing or busy canceling my dad. Again.

“You could skip.” He made the suggestion casually, like turning down a command appearance demand from Daryl Lubov was that easy. It was almost enough to make me wish for the days of deployment as the perfect excuse to miss whatever function he wanted me at.

“I could,” I said cautiously.

“But you won’t because you’re a better kid than he deserves.” Ezra brushed a kiss across my cheek.

“Pretty much. And we’ll work security for the event. A job’s a job. And if I have to be there, I might as well have backup.”

“Well, I can be your backup too. I’ll come.” He took my hand, lacing our fingers together. “We can bang in the restroom and drink soda with Danny and keep Cash from popping a vein over how your family treats Danny.”

“Sounds like a plan.” Laughing, I found his mouth for a longer kiss. And strangely, I did feel better with some semblance of a plan. We traded soft kisses for long moments, quiet, lazy things that didn’t ramp up to sex as much as simply being an extension of our cuddling. Eventually, Ezra yawned and pulled away long enough to flip off the TV and the bedside lamp. He settled back down, sprawled over me like the best blanket ever, huffing out little breaths against my neck.

“Sleepy?” I whispered before kissing above his ear.

“Very.” He yawned again. “You?”

“Yeah. Jet lag.” I adjusted the pillow behind my head and let myself sink more into the mattress. “My body isn’t sure what time zone I’m in after all the back and forth.”

“I’m glad you came.” Stretching, he gave me another lingering kiss before snuggling back into me. Apparently, we weren’t going to have sex, which was both weird and wonderful. After so long of wanting to sleep all night with him and being unable to, simply holding him was a treat, and I liked that we didn’t have to fuck. What we were building was more than a series of hookups. We’d get back to the sex. I could let him sleep, enjoy how good this closeness felt while planning a hell of a reunion. Soon.

Chapter Thirty-One


“Morning.” Waking up with Duncan had to be one of life’s top ten pleasures, his cozy body next to mine, our legs tangling, bare chests brushing, his broad hand splayed on my side, not stroking or teasing, simply there. That was it. Duncan being present and here was the pleasure, him specifically, not only the more generic comfort of not being alone. Knowing Duncan was near made me grin widely even as I blinked the last tendrils of sleep away.

“Good morning.” His voice was a warm rumble, and he pulled the covers more securely around us. We’d stumbled into his room the night before after multiple flight delays, and I hadn’t registered more than the big, soft bed. The morning sun, however, revealed the bedding was hotel-quality with a cushy white comforter, soft mattress topper under us, and crisp white sheets. The sunshine streamed through big windows and a glass door that led to a small balcony. What I’d seen of the condo was nice, but nicer still was the guy here with me.

“I like your bed already.” Stretching, I wriggled against him.

“You’re easy.” He chuckled and kissed my temple.

“I am.” I bumped my hips into his, more skin-on-skin contact to enjoy. Unlike at my parents, we hadn’t bothered with pajamas or sleeping clothes. But we’d also been too exhausted to enjoy the naked sleeping arrangement, a fact my cock was rather insistently reminding me of.

“Someone’s awake.” Duncan nipped at my ear.

“Yes, and remembering exactly how many days it’s been.” I made my voice petulant enough to likely get what I wanted, but not too whiny. After all, our argument hadn’t been all Duncan’s fault, and I was the one who had passed out on him at my parents. “I missed you.”