“You don’t have to.” I ran a hand through his hair. Knowing I got to hold him all night was a luxury worth the awkwardness of Ezra telling his parents that I didn’t need the guest room. Wrapping an arm around him, I took more of his weight, encouraging him to snuggle in. “You can stay right here.”

“Deal. You’re my new favorite pillow.” He tipped his head back and smiled at me. He’d been full of relaxed grins all evening, apparently content that we weren’t fighting and had agreed to work things out. For my part, though, I remained on edge, wishing we had a plan or blueprint for what came next.

“You can use me as a pillow anytime.” Leaning down, I gave him a fast kiss. A single night of this wasn’t going to be nearly enough. I had a flight back to LA the next day, but I’d been toying with the idea of postponing. “Not sure I’m going to cope well without you in LA.”

“Who says you’re going without me?” Ezra frowned up at me, shifting so that his elbow dug into my ribs.

“I’m sure your mom wants you here longer.” His parents had accepted my presence easily enough, but both had seemed more protective of Ezra this trip. His dad had joked about me needing to treat Ezra right, but there was a warning there too. And they were so obviously happy to have Ezra back home that no way could I ask Ezra to leave.

“She generally does.” He laughed fondly before patting my thigh. We were both in loose shorts. He’d pulled off his T-shirt as soon as we’d entered the room after watching some TV with his folks, but mine was still on. Being in a bed with him mostly clothed was a nice novelty. “But I want to be where you are. I meant it earlier. I want this to work.”

“Me too.” I rested a hand against his bare stomach, sighing at how deliciously warm he was.

“Just ask me to come back with you.” Ezra used his empirical command tone, like it was simply that easy. And maybe it was.

“Would you like—”

“Nuh-uh.” He cut me off by turning in my arms to give me a stern glare. “Tell me what you want, Duncan. Not what you think is best for my parents or even me. Tell me what would make you happiest.”

Damn it. He didn’t play fair. But for once in my life, I actually had an answer. Ezra. Ezra made me happy. But my feet still curved into the mattress, legs tensing as I tried to get the words out past a lump of guilt over putting myself first. “Come back with me. Please.”

“See?” He made a pleased noise. “That wasn’t so hard.”

“I didn’t hear a yes.” I gave him a pointed look, trying to keep any worry out of my voice.

“Yes.” He laughed and shifted so he could give me a soft kiss. “Sorry, I was already mentally packing and figuring out what to wear to get through the airports incognito.”

“You don’t have to go in disguise.” I made the token protest even as gratitude laced my tone. I wasn’t quite ready for a media circus, and if Ezra wanted some sunglasses and a hat to stay under the radar, I wouldn’t stop him.

“I want to. It’ll be fun. Do I get to stay with you? I was supposed to look at new rentals with Kate this week, but your bed sounds nicer than whatever hotel she arranged for the meantime.”

“Yes. You can stay.” That sounded a bit transactional, so I lowered my voice and admitted, “I’d like that. A lot.”

“Good. I won’t overstay my welcome.” He chuckled and kissed my neck.

“Overstay. Please.” It was getting easier to voice my wants, and right then, I loved the idea of him simply forgetting to get an LA rental, waking up with him for a long string of mornings without an end date looming.

“Okay.” He grinned at me before sobering, mouth pursing. “But if I’m flying back with you and also staying with you for a while, someone is bound to notice eventually.”

“Let them.” My stomach wobbled, but my voice was firm. “If you’re planning on hanging around me, it’s going to happen sooner or later. There’s no point in throwing a fit when the gossip starts.”

Because the gossip would start. Of that, I was absolutely sure. And we’d deal, something I was a little less certain of but trying to be confident about. I could weather the negative publicity for A-List and a few jokes about Ezra and me if it meant more nights of getting to laze around exactly like this. If there was one thing the last few days had shown me, it was that I’d give a lot more than some uncomfortable gossip to keep Ezra by my side.