“You like watching me?” he asked over his shoulder.

“You have no fucking idea.”

Ezra crooked his finger as he walked backward toward the bedroom, carrying his shirt in his other hand. “Better hurry if you want your reward.”

“I’m coming.” A few long strides brought me next to him in the bedroom, but when I reached for him, he danced away like some fae creature out to seduce me. Or ruin me. I was fast beyond caring. All I knew was that I wanted more of what he was offering.

“Oh yes. You will come.” Winking, Ezra slithered over to the bed to sprawl out. “But you better get naked. Don’t want to mess up your nice clothes.”

He rolled onto his stomach, head near the edge of the bed, to watch me unbutton my shirt like I was his new favorite TV show.

“Need some popcorn?” I teased as I rid myself of my clothes.

“Nope. Only thing I want to munch is you.” The second my pants hit the floor, he yanked me closer by my hips, intent clear. “Reward time.”

“Whoa.” I sucked in a breath, cock bobbing in front of me, every muscle coiled and ready for detonation.

“No?” Frowning, he trailed a finger down my cock. “You don’t want my mouth?”

“Oh, I’m into you blowing me.” Even my laugh was tense with want. “Just not sure I trust my knees to hold me when you get me off in two-point-three seconds.”

“Your faith in me is admirable.” Ezra scooted around on the bed so his head was propped up by the pillows, hands braced on the wall-mounted headboard behind him. “I have a better idea.” He stuck his tongue out, managing to make licking the air sexy rather than ridiculous. “Climb on.”

“You serious?”

“You can brace yourself on the headboard or the wall while you fuck my face. No fall risk, but hot as hell.”

His eagerness was such a fucking turn-on. I shook my head as I knelt next to him on the bed. “Only you could turn oral into an extreme sport.”

“Yup.” His whole face was lit up with anticipation. “On your mark, Olympian. Time’s a-wastin’, and I’ve got a gold medal to earn.”

“Damn.” He hadn’t touched me, yet I already knew this would be the best oral I’d ever had. Cautiously, I assumed the position he’d indicated, straddling his chest, cock mere inches from his perfect lips. “You’re on a world-record pace already.”

“Excellent.” Stretching his neck, he licked all around the head of my cock, treating me like his own personal ice cream cone, and I was so here for it.

“Oh my God, Ezra.” My gasp echoed around the room as he added little sucks to his licking routine, filthy open-mouthed kisses all down my shaft. I was desperate for him to take me deep but also wanted more of this blissful torture.


“Perfection.” I moaned as he sucked me deep before releasing me with a lewd plop.

“You’re too nice.” He pretended to scold, but his teasing eyes gave him away.

“You might be the only one to think that.”

“Then they’re all fools,” he said firmly, making my heart throb right along with my cock. He licked my cock again, little flicks until I was panting, then took me deep, holding my cock steady with one hand. I couldn’t see what his other hand was doing, but his shoulder and upper arm moved subtly under me. I craned my neck over my shoulder to catch a glimpse of him jerking his long cock. I almost came on the spot and had to take a steadying breath.

“Hey, no going for a double victory. I wanna get you off after.”

“Well, I want to come while choking on your dick,” he said in more of that royal tone that got me impossibly harder. “That okay with you, Duncan?”

I gulped. “Very.”

He went back to sucking me like a judging panel really was scoring his efforts, and he was going for a perfect ten. He sucked me fast and hard, waiting until I was panting like an ultra-marathoner before he backed off, going maddeningly soft and slow.

“Please,” I whispered, need making my thighs tremble and arms burn. Apparently, he’d been waiting for me to beg because he started the process all over again, getting me close and then backing off. I was an incoherent, moaning mess. I’d never been edged like this, not even in my own late-night efforts. And I could have ended it. A few fast thrusts of my hips was all it would take to get me there, but giving him all the control was thrilling, an adrenaline rush in its own right. I trusted him to get me there eventually, and if the waiting killed me, well, at least I would die happy.

Riding wave after wave of pleasure, I almost missed when he shifted his free hand from the base of my cock to palm my ass. He danced his nimble fingers down my crack, and I sharply inhaled. A blunt fingertip brushed my hole, making me gasp even louder.