Watching Ezra work the room helped with that as well. It was the best kind of secret, knowing I’d likely get to be alone with him later, that I alone would get to taste him and touch him and watch the way pleasure transformed his face. In a way, no one else knowing what we were up to made it even better. Everyone else could want and dream and think they had a chance, but I got the real thing, and that knowledge was a rush of power and pleasure.

“He’s on fire tonight.” Coming over to where I stood near the rear of the room, Kate handed me a plate of food. “I love him happy. I was worried about him yesterday. Thanks for the idea of taking him for a run. I think that totally turned his mood around.”

“No problem.” Guilt prickled at the back of my neck. It wasn’t the run that had fixed Ezra’s funk, but no way could I share the truth that it probably had a lot more to do with our late-night make-up talk. Instead, I joined her in watching Ezra flit from group to group, talking with the reporter who’d been given exclusive access, spending time with his band mates and their assorted entourages, showing off his gifts for making people laugh and making them comfortable.

Unlike some, he nursed the same drink all night, but even sober, Ezra was absolutely the lifeblood of the party. I was used to how larger-than-life he appeared when performing, and this was another type of performance for him, one that clearly amped him up as he laughed a little louder, gestured more, and moved with a confident looseness that turned my crank big time.

Even watching him join in an impromptu dance to a popular song made me warm and flushed, like I’d been downing cocktails. Technically, I was on duty, so no drinking for me, but I felt a little buzzed when Ezra finally made his way back to me. The smile he had for me seemed deeper than his more public one, more personal in how it made his eyes sparkle and his dimples appear. Just for me. I couldn’t keep him, of course, but for that one moment, he was mine, and a thrill raced through me.

“Take me home,” he ordered.

“So soon?” I raised my eyebrows. “You’re having fun. We can stay longer.”

“Yeah, but I want to have fun with you, and I can’t here.” He mock-pouted, which made me chuckle.

“Good point. I’ll go nab Kate and arrange for a car.”

“So efficient.” He put a hand on his chest as if he were about to swoon, and I couldn’t help but grin the whole way back to the hotel.

“Was the party totally miserable?” he asked as I shut his suite door behind us and did a fast security sweep.

“Not really.” Finished checking the place out, I came back to stand in front of him.

“You’re supposed to tell me you were bored out of your mind and counting down to our escape,” he chided, wrapping his arms around my neck.

“I am?”

“Yeah, so then I can offer you a reward for all your suffering.” His impish grin was absolutely going to be my undoing.

“Well, in that case…” Leaning in, I rubbed my cheek against his, sniffing his hair, which had dried fluffy and endearingly messy without the assortment of products he used for performances.

“Maybe I’ll reward you anyway.” He turned his face to meet mine in a soft kiss, one that made my hands reach for him and my heart surge.

“I don’t need a reward.” It was the weakest of protests, but Ezra deserved the truth from me, even in silly games.


“It wasn’t torture. Actually, I kind of liked watching you do your thing. You were on a tear.”

“And now I’m gonna be on you.” Hooking a foot around my calves, he pulled me flush against him. We were both hard, and I groaned at the contact.

“Lucky me.” I tried to find his mouth for another kiss, but he evaded me with a little smirk.

“And lucky for both of us, you don’t make the reward rules. I do.” His tone was all imperial, and something about his bossiness made me even harder. “And I say you’ve been very, very good.”

“Thank you.” I raked my teeth across my lower lip, awaiting his next move. Whatever he wanted to give me, I wanted with a soul-deep urgency and would happily accept.

Stepping back, he released me. And never breaking eye contact, he slowly raised his shirt, each inch a tease. His hips moved to some song only he could hear, and his eyes drifted shut like stripping for me was a huge turn-on for him.

“Lord have mercy,” I rasped as he removed his shirt to spin and show me his ass.