“Just don’t wake the neighbors and we’re good.” Chuckling, he made me honest-to-God whimper when he went deep, way deeper than I’d been expecting, sucking hard.

“God bless the lung capacity of a SEAL,” I gasped.

“Ha. I’m not even that good at this.” Pulling the whole way back, he used only the tip of his tongue.

“Could have fooled me,” I managed to pant. “But feel free to give it the ol’ navy try.”

“You’re adorable attempting military speak.” He bit a particularly delicate part of my inner thigh, then soothed it with his tongue when I yelped.

“More,” I demanded, finally giving in to the urge to direct his head. And rather than batting me away, he moaned and arched up to meet my fingers. Him letting me guide him back to my cock had me throbbing and on edge even before he took me to the back of his throat. “Fuck. So good, Duncan. Duncan.”

“That’s right. Say my name when you come.” Duncan retreated long enough to speak, then let me push him back down. The way he let me take control, even in this, was damn heady stuff.

“There. Do that again,” I ordered breathlessly when he added his tongue to the mix, delicious friction on each upstroke.

“Say it,” he countered before going so low I felt his lips brush my patch of hair. And sucking. Hard.

“Duncan. Duncan. Gonna come. Don’t stop. Please. Duncan.” A steady stream of utter nonsense spilled from my lips, most of it his name. He let me guide him into a fast, messy rhythm until I was coming with a shout. And coming. Felt like my orgasm took my spine with it, like I was no longer bone and skin but energy and pure pleasure, some magical creature if only for an instant before softly drifting back into human form to find him peppering the soft skin of my belly with kisses.

“Man. I like being your friend already.” Another giant yawn escaped my chest, and he chuckled.

“Good benefits?”

“The best.” I sounded drunk, but hell if I wanted to sober up. “Medal of Honor worthy.”

“Go to sleep, Ezra.” He moved so he could drop a kiss on the top of my head, dragging me upward until all of me was in the center of the bed and snuggled under the comforter.

“You’re too good to me.” Oh great. Now I was sounding both drunk and way too sappy.

“I like being good to you.” He pulled the covers up over my shoulders before dimming the lights. I knew he wouldn’t be there when I woke, but for a few blissful seconds, I let myself pretend and have hope that tomorrow wouldn’t have the inevitable post-Duncan hangover.

Chapter Seventeen


I was either about to make the biggest fool of myself or start something special. And as I stood outside Ezra’s Chicago hotel suite, it really could go either way. My chest pounded and my tray of coffees wobbled until Kate threw open the door.

“You sweet, sweet man.” She beamed before looking over her shoulder. “Ezra, Duncan brought the good coffee. Not the hotel crap.”

“He did?” Ezra emerged as Kate shut the door behind me. He was marginally more dressed than the morning before, a low-slung pair of shorts and a too-short T-shirt with a partially unraveled hem. You’d never guess the guy had enough millions to fill a swimming pool like some cartoon tycoon.

“Yup, he even texted me for my order.” Kate accepted her coffee with a happy sigh. She was actually part of my grand plan this morning. Ezra blinked and looked searchingly down at the three remaining coffees on my tray.

“Who’s the extra for?”

My cheeks heated like twin furnaces.

“I forgot to ask Kate for your order.” That was half-true—I’d wanted to surprise Ezra, but my nerves had had me bumbling simple tasks. “I got you a black americano with add-ins on the side in case you didn’t want the same sort of sugar rush as me. I didn’t want to presume.” I hoped I wasn’t babbling. I probably was.

“I’ll have what you’re having.” He offered me a sly grin, and unlike the prior morning, I didn’t flinch. We were friends. Friends joked. Or at least I thought they did. A lot of this friendship stuff was new to me, so I had to figure it out on the fly.

“It’s a white-chocolate mocha with hazelnut.” I handed over the steaming cup. “My SEAL buddies love to tease me about my coffee tastes.”

“Well, I’m not going to tease you.’’ Ezra’s eyes were more serious now. My chest warmed with the memory of how earnest he’d been about wanting to be my friend, a place where I didn’t have to be a lieutenant or a leader, and God, I wanted that. “I will say thank you though. I do love sweet.”

“I know.” Fuck. I shouldn’t have said that, but Kate merely laughed.