“Did you eat?” she asked Ezra, one hand on her hip, the other one clutching her clipboard.

“I’ll get there.” He offered her a small smile that didn’t reach his weary eyes.

“Well, get on it. You better hurry if you want to quickly shower.” She pointed at the small shower stall in the dressing room corner, a modest affair that was worlds removed from the palatial shower at the hotel, but even so, one glance had me remembering the feel of hot water mingling with Ezra’s kisses. I looked away quickly, returning my attention to Kate. She held up the clipboard. “The plan is to leave directly from here to the after-party. It’s a casual thing. An all-night blues club Carl and some others wanted to check out.”

“Do I have to?” Ezra moaned in the whiniest tone I’d heard from him. Damn. He really had to be hurting to drop his usual affable mask, but then he took a deep breath, easy-going smile returning to his face. “Wait. Don’t answer that. I know, I know. People want me there. Give me a minute, and I’ll be ready.”

I didn’t buy his words for a minute, but Kate seemed to, nodding before she crossed back to the door.

“Good,” she said over her shoulder. “And I didn’t guarantee your presence or anything, but you know it will be fun. Not like you’re sleeping any time soon.”

“You know it.” Ezra waved her away with another of those fake smiles. Being able to tell his real expressions from the pretend gave me an odd sort of pleasure, like I knew something about him few did. And the certainty that my hunch was right carried me back over to crouch by him so I could look him in the eye.

“Ezra.” I waited until he returned my gaze to gentle my tone. “Do you want to go to this thing?”

“Sure.” He shrugged before glancing away at a pile of towels in the corner.

“Truly?” I pressed. Kate had shut the door, so I risked touching his hand.

“Okay, not really.” He captured my hand in his before I could return it to my side. “But I’ll get over myself. Promise. And you’re coming, right? It’ll be fun.”

“What would you do if you didn’t have to go to this thing?” I ignored his comment about my coming because, fun or not, I was going where he went until he was safely stashed for the night in his hotel room. And then I’d go to my own room and bar the door if that was what it took to avoid temptation.

“Hmm.” He made a thoughtful noise and licked his lips. I squeezed his hand encouragingly. “I’d have a long soak in the tub in my suite, order more of that pie, maybe watch another episode or two of my show. Sleep a thousand years.”

“I could make that happen.” Part of what made me a decent bodyguard was being able to read clients and figure out what they actually needed, and right then, Ezra didn’t need a night out. I’d helped more than one client make an early exit from a command appearance, but Ezra inspired something far more personal than professional in me. I wanted to take care of him, give him the same sort of break and comfort he’d offered me that afternoon when I hadn’t known how much I needed that time simply hanging out, eating indulgent food, and watching reality TV. In my life, time off was a luxury, one I seldom allowed myself, and I was starting to see that Ezra was the same way. “Let me make your excuses for you.”

“Seriously?” He frowned before smiling slyly. “Gonna write me a get-out-of-class note?”

“Absolutely. Let me earn my keep.” I straightened and marched to the door. Time for Ezra to see I was good for more as a bodyguard than being a pain in his ass.

“Kate?” I called out, and she immediately turned in my direction from where she stood a few doors down.


“I’ve got real reservations about the security at this club. If Ezra gets mobbed by fans, I worry about our ability to get out of there quickly. It’s a security risk we shouldn’t take.” I used my most authoritative tone, the one that could get even admirals to agree quickly with my plans. Then I added the one detail she couldn’t argue with. “Plus, he isn’t feeling well. I’m going to escort him back to the hotel.”

“You’re sick?” She hurried back into the dressing room, stopping in front of Ezra.

“Just tired.” He gave her a marginally more genuine smile. “And I hate to admit it, but the lieutenant has a point about security. Last time we went to one of those hole-in-the-wall joints, we ended up having to exit through the kitchen.”

I worked hard to not preen over Ezra actually agreeing with me for once.