I looked over at Duncan, who waited until Kate continued rounding up others to speak. “Yeah, I’m coming. I don’t quit until the work is done. You going to let me do my job?”

“Yeah. I’ll try to get out of your way.” And my own, which somehow, I already knew might be the harder task. Also, I didn’t like the warmth in my gut. Bonding with Duncan was bound to backfire.

Chapter Nine


I wasn’t an idiot. I didn’t expect peace to last with Ezra. He might better understand where I was coming from and vice versa, but I didn’t doubt he’d return to his impulsive ways given half a chance.

And as it turned out, he didn’t even wait until the next day. We loaded up well after midnight. Ezra and the others worked the straggly line of fans hanging out behind a barricade as they waited for a last glimpse of the band, greeting and chatting far longer than I thought advisable. I stayed close, ready for danger, but most of the remaining fans seemed like harmless oddballs, bickering over who had been to the most shows. Still, I stiffened every time Ezra leaned over the barricade to hug someone or get in close enough for a pic.

“Okay, okay, not too tight now.” Ezra was full of good humor even with an over-zealous middle-aged female hugger in a T-shirt emblazoned with a rainbow crown. I moved in, fully prepared to rescue him, but I had to settle for glaring at the fan as Ezra deftly extricated himself before I could help.

“Stop letting them touch you.” I kept my voice low but commanding. That tone had served me well in the military, but Ezra was hardly fazed.

“I like hugs. And it makes better pictures.” He grinned at me.

“It’s a risk.” Truce or not, my tone was rapidly becoming more clipped.

“And we know how you feel about risks,” Ezra chided. “The Royals are important to me. Some of these people have been watching us for a decade now. A hug or handshake is nothing compared to what they give me.”

All I could do was huff a breath because I could tell it was pointless to argue with him. His devotion to the fans was admirable, but I needed to figure out how to show him his loyalty needed better boundaries.

“People love having bragging rights that they got a real Ezra Moon hug.” His eyes sparkled in the glow of the parking area lights. “You should try it. Might put you in a better mood.”

“Try what?” I blinked, unsure what to make of his tone, which was between scolding and flirting.

“Hugging me.” His voice had been low, but his laugh echoed across the mostly-empty lot. Heat flared in the small of my back, my chest rising with a swift, involuntary inhale, and the sudden rush of want was as unwanted as unexpected. I didn’t cuddle. Lust, sure. But it was one thing to be tempted by Ezra’s built-for-sin mouth and another thing altogether to crave his casual touch.

“I don’t—”

“You should.” He shook his head and returned his attention to the end of the line of fans, leaving me hurrying to catch up on multiple levels.

“Can I have some hair?” asked an older woman with an aging goth vibe. And okay, some fans were definitely kookier than others.

“We’re done here.” I steered Ezra toward the bus where the other band members had already fled.

“Bye, everyone!” Naturally, he had a last chipper wave for the fans.

“No DNA traces for fans.” I bodied him through the open bus door.

“I can’t tell whether you’re joking or serious.” Turning around on the step, he frowned at me. “I know you think I’m an idiot, but even I know better than to volunteer a kidney or give them an on-ramp to a genealogy test.”

“Or materials for a voodoo doll,” Kate volunteered as she operated the switch that shut and locked the door behind us.

“That too.” Ezra gave a tired grin.

“I gave Duncan the last empty bunk.” Despite the late hour, she was efficient as ever as she pointed to the rows of bunks in the center of the bus. “You’re over Ezra.”

“Don’t get used to it,” he muttered, low enough for Kate to miss his flirting tone.

I, however, didn’t miss a damn thing. My cock desperately needed to get the news alert that nothing was happening with Ezra, no matter how many sly looks he wanted to give me.

The bunks were stacked three high, not unlike the close quarters on a sub. As we got underway, Dirk and Carl were already sprawled out in theirs while a few other band members hung out in the lounge area. Some of them sported pajamas while Carl had lost his shirt, and Dirk appeared to be mainly wearing a blanket. The whole thing had a casual slumber-party feel, complete with a bowl of popcorn and a movie playing on the large TV in the lounge.