“Is that what we’re calling unannounced visitors now?” Carl, the drummer, smirked. He was no stranger to romantic headlines, with a string of high-profile exes and a divorce and custody case in his rearview.

“Do you have a lot of those?” The beginnings of a headache started to gather around my temples.

“Depends on your definition of a lot.” Carl nudged Dirk, the bassist, who joined him in laughing.

“No more than one per city.” Dirk held up a hand like he was making a promise.

“Unless you’re Ezra.” Carl snorted, shaved head gleaming in the afternoon summer sunlight.

“He’s too nice to everyone.” Dirk waggled his bushy eyebrows.

“You can’t have random—” I started to lay down the law as far as groupies, but Ezra grabbed my arm and steered me to the door of the bus.

“They’re joking.”

“Oh?” I wasn’t sure I believed him. And why the idea of Ezra collecting hookups in every city made me want to smack something, I had no clue. I was no saint myself, and others getting laid or not was no concern of mine unless it posed a security threat.

“The tour bus is our common space other than the sleeping bunks. Despite the rumors, we’re not out here having public orgies. Everyone on tour is an adult, and what they do on their own time is their own business, but we’re usually pretty strict about bringing guests onto the bus unless the others are cool with it.”

“How about you try running guests by me as well as the rest of the band? I need a detailed list for backstage access, and you all need to stick to that list.”

“And you, my friend, need to relax. Go with the flow.” Ezra made a wave motion with his hand as we boarded the bus. Like the private plane, the bus had a cozy café feel to it. Leather-appointed seating area with a large flatscreen TV closest to the door, a small kitchenette complete with a high-end espresso machine and small wine chiller was next, then a bank of curtained-off bunkbeds on either side of a narrow aisle, followed by another, more private, lounge area with another TV, gaming console, and two guitars mounted on the wall. “The crew bus is pretty much identical to this one. All their bunks are claimed, though, so I told Kate you could ride with us.”

“I don’t need a bunk.” I could, however, keep more of an eye on Ezra if I rode on the same bus as him, so I didn’t protest too loudly. “But thanks.”

“No problem. Kate is also handling your hotel room reservations. Let her know about any food restrictions as well because she usually arranges the pre- and post-show meals.”

“I’m good. I live on a lot of ready-made stuff and takeout, so I’m pretty easy to please.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Ezra’s look was about twenty degrees hotter than it needed to be. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

“Hell yeah.” Carl cheered as he and the other band members loaded up along with Ilene, who was staying over for that night’s show, then flying back to LA for more business for the label. She was the sort of polished woman I usually got along with quite well, and I wasn’t surprised when she slid in next to me in the front seating area while Ezra was busy joking around with Carl and Dirk near the bunks.

“Now you see what we’re up against,” Ilene murmured, eyes on Ezra.

“Mm-hmm.” I made a noncommittal noise, more interested in getting her opinion than agreeing with her.

“Ezra is a character. A beloved character.” She tapped a well-manicured nail against the wood trim on the built-in leather couch. “But he’s also a loose cannon and something of a liability. I hope you’re able to keep him in line.”

“I’m more concerned with safety than reining him in.” I kept my voice mild. I didn’t care if he said or wore something the record label might find shocking, but I certainly was all in on keeping him and everyone else safe.

“Of course.” Ilene patted my arm. “But if you impress on this tour, the label will have plenty more work for your company.”

“I appreciate that.” Weirdly, this whole conversation made me feel vaguely disloyal to Ezra. More work for A-List would be great, but I wasn’t going to turn corporate spy to get it.

“You know, I’m staying over before flying back tomorrow. How about we get a late dinner together after the show?” Ilene stretched, gold hair rippling, sending a whiff of strong perfume my way.

“Nice as that sounds, I better spend the time going over potential issues for the St. Louis show.” I made myself sound suitably regretful. As a rule, I never played on work-related trips, but rather than my personal code of ethics, my mind kept supplying images of Ezra dressed only in a pair of shorts like he’d been on Sunday. Not helpful. I shook my head to try to clear it.