Duel after duel took place. Some were over fast, others were dragged out. Some fighters left the dome conscious, others were knocked clean out.

Her nerves were rubbed raw by the time Levi entered the circle. His eyes were cold, his face was blank, and he fairly radiated self-assurance and determination. He didn’t look her way. He was utterly focused on his opponent—a guy by the name of Cisco.

Piper took a moment to study Cisco. He was taller. Broader. Carried himself with confidence. She’d seen him fight before. He was a damn good brawler and boasted a few offensive abilities, so he wouldn’t make this easy for Levi. Her reaper would win, though. He’d never lost a fight. Not once.

Then again, neither had Cisco.

The umpire exited the circle, a bell rang loud … and then the two males were moving. Fast. Explosive. Savage.

Fists flew, slamming into noses, jaws, temples, and ribs. Feet snapped out, ramming into knees or thighs. Power rippled around the space as crackling orbs, telekinetic energy, waves of despair, and balls of hellfire sailed through the air.

Like her demon, the crowd was loving it. They yelled, booed, or egged on the fighters.

Piper was somewhat torn. On the one hand, watching Levi fight—seeing all that power, strength, and pure viciousness he exhibited—flustered her feminine parts. Seriously, she should probably light a candle in penance for getting off on this so much. But on the other hand, it was impossible not to worry for him. Especially when such duels had been known to result in death.

And so, on the edge of her seat, Piper splayed her hands on either side of her face. Every hit he took made her stomach twist. Her comfort? Levi was more than holding his own and had very few injuries.

Winces echoed around the dome as a telekinetic blast sent Cisco crashing into the wall. He’d no sooner scraped himself off the floor than a hellfire orb smashed into his face so hard his head snapped back.

“Well damn,” said Lou with a cruel chuckle. “Levi’s on form tonight.”

He was. He really—

She jolted as her mate took a crackling ball of whatever-the-fuck-it-was to the solar plexus. It knocked the breath from his lungs and sent him stumbling back a step. “Jesus Christ.”

Lou nudged her. “Oh don’t bring him into this.”

Ignoring that, Piper watched as Levi retaliated fast, telekinetically swiping Cisco off the ground and bashing him into the ceiling. Well, ow.

To his credit, Cisco recovered quickly. More punches and kicks were exchanged. More blows of power were traded. More bruises, cuts, and burns were caused.

Biting her thumbnail, Piper watched as a telekinetic hit slammed Cisco against the wall. Then Levi was there, hovering his hand near his opponent’s abdomen. Cisco doubled over, guttural cries of pain escaping him. She could guess what ability her mate was utilizing right then, and she wasn’t the least bit surprised when Cisco threw in the towel.

Piper and her group were instantly on their feet, cheering and clapping. They weren’t the only ones. Many spectators even chanted his name, though Levi paid no heed to it. Nor did he cockily pace around the circle, smiling at the crowd. He … well, he made a beeline for Piper. He wrapped his hand around the back of her neck and kissed her hard, robbing her of breath. She melted into him, unable to do anything else.

He snatched her off her feet, tossed her over his shoulder, and strode toward the vaulted steps.

“Hey!” she yelled. “What the fuck?”

He ignored her, descending the stairs that took them backstage.

Oh, she was so gonna rip him a new one.

Inside a private room, he set her on her feet and backed her into the wall as his mouth once more crashed down on hers. It seemed like she wasn’t the only one who got all stirred up by the fight. His tongue licked into her mouth as a hand collared her throat. Her breath hitched, her nipples tightened, her lower stomach clenched … and her control became a thing of the past.

Later. She’d rip him a new one later.

He kissed her like he needed her to breathe. Like she was his only source of oxygen. His tongue delved deep as he plundered her mouth and swallowed her every breath.

No one had ever made her feel the way Levi did—so wanted, so needed, so fucking possessed. It was exhilarating and intoxicating for both Piper and her demon.


Feeling like his entire body pounded with the need to be inside her, Levi broke the kiss long enough for them to whip off each other’s tees. Then he was again feasting on her mouth, lapping up her taste. Once more keeping a dominant grip on her throat with one hand, he used his other hand to stroke and explore and again lay claim to what would always be his.