So many lives had been taken by him. So many children had been robbed of their mothers and then dumped at orphanages. Levi knew from experience that those places weren’t all hearts and rainbows. Heaven only knew what had become of those kids.

Hanging in chains, Clyde lifted his head. Despite his current situation, he nonetheless gifted Levi with an amiable smile. “I knew you’d come,” he said, seeming rather satisfied about it. He didn’t even look at Knox. He was utterly focused on Levi.

“You have questions,” Clyde assumed. No, hoped. He wanted attention. Company. Conversation. Maybe that had always been part of his personality, or maybe it was a result of the curse that had plagued him for so long and made him feel so very alone.

“Not really,” said Levi, going for bored and disinterested, knowing it would push the asshole’s buttons. “It’s not like I could trust that your answers would be at all factual. Not when you lie to yourself as if it’s your job and believe only what you want to believe.”

Clyde frowned. “No, that would be Enzo.”

“You’re kindred spirits for sure.”

“He was never anything but a tool I needed. You and me, though … we have a connection.”

Both Levi and his demon bristled. “No, we don’t,” said Levi, still feigning boredom. “You tell yourself that because you need to feel connected to someone. You tried forcing your victims to bond with you. Didn’t work so well, did it?”

“That was on them. I only wanted to love them. They wouldn’t let me. Your aunt was most resistant. But you made the time I spent with her worthwhile.” Clyde’s mouth kicked up. “Such a beautiful little boy you were. So much potential. She would have squashed that.”

“She might have tried. But that wasn’t a reason for her to die.”

“You were better off without her,” said Clyde.

Levi felt his jaw harden. “That wasn’t for you to decide. You played God with her, just as you did the other women. You weren’t looking for love, you were looking for submission.”

“No, I—”

“You wanted them to psychologically crumble so they’d be under your control without any effort on your part. It never worked though, did it? Know why?” Levi took a step closer to the cell. “It was because of the children. The women held out because they couldn’t emotionally abandon their children.

“My aunt might not have loved me or even wanted me, but she loved my mother—that was the only reason she kept me, and it would have been the reason she didn’t submit the way you wanted. In other words, you’ve been fucking yourself over right from the start, and you never once saw it.”

Clyde swallowed. “You’re wrong about me.”

“No, I’m not. I see you, even if you don’t. The woman who cursed you saw you too, didn’t she? I believe her name was Beth.” Piper had relayed the whole sordid tale.

“She saw my love for her sister as a betrayal.”

Levi wasn’t so sure Clyde had loved her or anyone else. The emotion eluded some people. Levi got the feeling that the man in front of him was one of those people.

“We can’t always help who we love, can we?” asked Clyde. “Take you and Celeste. She loved you. It wasn’t your fault that you didn’t feel the same, but she held you responsible anyway. It also wasn’t your fault that you fell for Piper—nor was it a bad thing—but Celeste resents you for that just the same.”

“Not enough to curse both herself and me in such a grave way. And you know, considering just how far Beth went to punish you and exactly what a sick fuck you are, I actually think you truly were guilty of the crime she accused you of. After all, you’ve taken the lives of many women over the years and you’re not one bit remorseful about it. I doubt that sexually assaulting a woman would be much to you.”

“She asked me to make love to her.”

“Maybe. But the question is … did she say those words voluntarily, or did you make her say them? Personally, I think it was the latter.”

The nightmare’s eyes flickered. Yeah, he’d been in her mind, ruling her actions. Fucker.

Clyde’s expression tightened. “You shouldn’t be so hard on me. I saved you. Your aunt would have ruined you. You can’t say you don’t like your life as it is. You can’t say you don’t owe me for the happiness you have now. Like it or not, we are connected.”

“You’re nothing to me,” Levi stated firmly. “And I don’t owe you shit except the beating of your fucking life for what you did to my mate.”

“I didn’t hurt her. I didn’t even touch her.”

“You stole her free will. You ensured she was helpless while another caused her physical harm, which means you’re just as responsible for any injuries she suffered. And so you will suffer worse. There isn’t one person who can claim you don’t have it coming.” Levi gave him a dismissive look and then walked away.