Bile rising in his throat, Levi’s stomach did a slow roll at the thought. He snapped his mouth shut and gave a curt nod. Their boy wouldn’t see this plan coming, because he’d have no clue that Knox could pyroport—few people did.

Keenan re-entered the apartment, his face hard. “Neither Dez nor Enzo are in the hall outside your front door, Levi. I don’t see any sign of them.”

Fuck. Urgency still riding him, Levi fisted his hands. “We have to move now.”

“What room is furthest from the entrance of your apartment?” asked Knox. “We don’t want anyone hearing us enter.”

And pyroporting wasn’t exactly a quiet process. “The gym,” replied Levi.

Flames erupted around the four of them. When the fire died away, they were stood in the middle of Levi’s gym. He tilted his head, reaching out with his senses. He couldn’t hear any voices from there.

We take it slow, said Knox, speaking on a telepathic channel that reached out to each of the sentinels at once.

Adrenaline pumping through him as fast as the heart pounding in his chest, Levi took the lead as they stealthily left the gym and padded through the apartment, passing room after room. Muffled voices soon reached him. When those voices became clearer, Levi halted.

Is that Enzo who’s ranting? asked Keenan, taking the question right from Levi’s mouth. Shit, it is.

Levi resumed walking, listening as Enzo talked of Sefton and Jasper making good scapegoats and then … “I had so many opportunities to kill you,” the traitorous piece of shit told her.

Levi felt his face morph into a snarl.

Wait, began Larkin, Enzo’s the one who’s been after her?

It’s all about Gian, apparently. Levi didn’t give a sliver of a fuck what the guy’s motive was. He only cared that the bastard pay in every way imaginable.

He was just thinking that maybe Enzo was alone in the apartment with Piper, but then the asshole said, “Clyde here will grab you.”

Larkin cursed. Why would the nightmare be willing to take responsibility for her murder?

Levi’s jaw hardened. There won’t be a murder. His heart clenched when he heard Piper’s voice as she called Enzo on his bullshit. Apparently the nightmare was allowing her to talk.

Just as Levi halted near the entrance of the living area, he heard Enzo say, “It matters not, really. The end result will be the same. You’ll be dead. Levi will be destroyed. Gian will be avenged. And I’ll be fucking delighted. Now … how about we have a little fun while we wait for your mate to arrive?”

Knox’s hand clamped on Levi’s shoulder. Not yet.

“What does that mean?” asked the nightmare.

“It means I want her to physically suffer a little, since I can’t put Levi through such pain,” said Enzo. “You know, Piper … Handily, wielding a psychic scalpel wasn’t the only ability I purchased. I also got myself a nifty little ability that will ensure you suffer maximum pain in mere seconds.”

“You make a habit of buying gifts?” asked Piper. “Like the ability to conceal your appearance?”

“Actually, I developed that ability as a teenager. It’s mine. But the gift of causing brain bleeds? That was purchased. I’ve since lost it. But, as I said, I’ve bought others. And one in particular is really going to hurt you.”

“Fine, get to it,” said Piper. “But don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re anything other than a fucking coward.”

“Say what now?”

“You only attack when you can’t be seen or when, as in this case, someone is pinning your target still for you. You say you want to let Levi live so he can suffer after my death, but you know what? I think it’s more that you don’t have the goddamn balls to go up against him, so you waited for him to have someone weaker than him in his life who you felt you could take on.”

“To be fair,” began the male nightmare, “I was wondering the same thing, Enzo. You’ve spent many years lying to yourself. It’s quite sad.”

A snort. “This is coming from a man who has no sense of self-awareness and feeds himself all sorts of lies?” asked Enzo.

“I know exactly who I am. We all lie to ourselves occasionally, but it is not something I make a habit of.”

“No, you just live in a reality of your own making.”

What’s our next move? asked Larkin as the two men continued to argue.

I can’t dive into the nightmare’s mind and try to overtake it due to what he is, began Knox, so that option’s out. I also can’t hijack Enzo’s mind—he has tough mental barriers.

Levi licked his front teeth. I have a plan. It’ll only work if we act fast. And I mean fast.

Knox’s eyes sharpened. Tell me.

Even as Piper kept the two arguing assholes in sight, she again strained to shove off the mental weight, concentrating so hard she wouldn’t be surprised if she burst a blood vessel in her eye or something. But it did no good. The weight didn’t budge in the slightest.