“Why do you even want space? It seems a little counterproductive, since you can’t exactly get to know him if he’s not around or …” Olive broke off and pointed the nailfile at Piper. “I see it now. You’re dragging your feet because you dread having to tell your mom and Joe about the whole thing.”

“I wouldn’t say I dread it, but I’m certainly not eager to have the conversation. I don’t know how it’s going to go. I think they’ll be supportive of me in this, regardless of whatever scene Celeste might cause. But every time I convince myself of that, I remember the many things I wasn’t allowed to do because it upset her.”

“Like call Joe ‘Dad’ or take his surname.”

“Yes. Then I start second-guessing myself. It’s simply second nature for Joe and my mom to do whatever’s necessary to keep the peace. Not that I think they’d ask me to forsake Levi or anything, but it will absolutely gut me if they can’t be happy for me about this one thing. I mean, it’s no small matter to find your anchor, is it? And I know it’s a delicate situation, but I want this to be an occasion where they don’t expect me to placate Celeste. If it isn’t, I know in my bones that it will change things between me, my mom, and Joe forever.”

“I understand.” Olive placed down the nailfile. “I’d have my worries too, in your shoes. But they love you, Piper. They want what’s best for you. They will definitely want you to have your anchor. And I actually think they’ll find it a plus that it’s Levi. I saw how dedicated he was to his positions when I was part of the lair. This is a man who’s loyal, protective, and dependable. Not everyone has that kind of luck when it comes to psi-mates.”

“He’s also a bossy bastard,” Piper grumbled.

“Alphas usually are. Fully expect him to meddle in your life and do what he can to improve it. Like try to help you find another job, for starters.”

“Harper Thorne said I could apply to work at Urban Ink, but I’m not sure if she’d be good with it now.”

Olive frowned. “Why not?”

“She might not take too kindly to me not immediately bonding with Levi—he’s pretty much family to her. She might even be offended on his behalf.”

“I doubt it.”

“Are you forgetting how badly Daniel’s mom reacted when you didn’t accept him as your anchor straight off the bat? She proclaimed that you didn’t deserve him. That was mere moments before she threw a mug at your head. You almost bitch-slapped her at one point.”

Olive lifted her index finger. “Okay, first of all, don’t let it be overlooked that Tyra’s an absolute crank. Second, Harper’s not Levi’s mom. Will she be annoyed with you for having reservations? Maybe. But, as I recall, she didn’t form the anchor bond with Knox straight away.”

Piper felt her brows inch up. “That’s true.”

“She’d be in no position to judge you and, in fact, is more likely to understand why you want to take this slow.”

“Yeah, I guess.” Piper tapped her fingers on the table. “I’ll call her about the job in a little while. If she’s changed her mind, well, she’s changed her mind.”

“Levi would either change it right back or rip her a new one. All alphas are crazy protective—from what I observed, he didn’t seem to be an exception to that. His protective streak is going to be electric where his anchor is concerned. That’s quite simply how it goes.” Olive’s face softened. “I’m really happy you’ve found your psi-mate, even if the situation isn’t as simple as you’d like. I’ll bet your demon’s glad.”

“Glad. Territorial. Antsy.”

“Why antsy?”

“Because the bond hasn’t been formed.” The entity was currently indulging in a good ole sulk about it.

“I’m guessing it doesn’t like that its anchor was involved with Celeste.”

“Oh, it definitely doesn’t. It still wants to claim him, though.”

“So do you. And you will at some point—we both know that. It’s only a matter of time.” Olive twisted her mouth. “So, who are you going to tell first? Your mom and Joe, or Celeste herself?”

Piper let out a long breath and then shrugged. “I don’t know. I really, really don’t know.”

Levi was rinsing his coffee mug when he heard a knock on the front door. He padded through his apartment and over to the door. Opening it, he found Larkin stood there wearing a shit-eating grin.

“Morning,” she said. “Congrats on finding your anchor. I’m so fucking pleased for you.”

He stepped aside to let the harpy pass. “Thanks.” The other sentinels had telepathically congratulated him. Considering Larkin only lived a few doors away, it didn’t surprise Levi that she’d instead come to speak with him face to face about it. “You want coffee?”