Levi didn’t doubt that Keenan could change her mind. The incubus was good at making others part with information. But … “I’ll hear her out.” Or, more to the point, he’d use it as an opportunity to get a few things across to her.

“You sure?”

“Positive. I’ll be there in about twenty-five minutes, depending on traffic.” Levi rang off, pocketed his phone, and made his way through the apartment toward the main bathroom.

Since making things official, he and Piper had come up with an agreement—if she cooked, he cleaned up afterwards, and vice versa. So after they ate the dinner she cooked, he’d sent her off to take a bath while he lived up to his half of the bargain. He’d planned to join her in the tub at some point. He’d have to save it for another time, thanks to goddamn Celeste.

Entering the bathroom, Levi felt his mouth curve at the sight he found. “I didn’t realize you were such a fan of bubbles.”

“Things got a little out of control,” she said, leaning back against the tub, her head barely visible.

“How so?”

“I used the bubble bath that Khloë gave me because she doesn’t like the smell of mangos. It doesn’t say on the bottle to use it sparingly.” Her brow wrinkled. “Everything okay? You’re smiling, but I can tell that something’s up.”

Liking that she was so very in tune with him, Levi crouched beside the tub and brushed aside some bubbles as he said, “Keenan called me. Apparently Celeste made a fool out of herself in the Underground last night while blitzed.” He relayed the details that Keenan gave him.

Piper’s lips parted. “Seriously? That’s dramatic even for her.”

“She was detained by Vin and Mason. She’s still in a cell now.” Levi dipped his hand into the water to cup her knee. “She claims she knows who’s after you.”

Piper sat up straight, gaping. “She claims what?”

“It’s what she told Vin. She also said she’ll part with the information, but that she’ll only share it with me.”

Piper’s face scrunched up. “Bullshit. She doesn’t know anything. Either she’s playing a game because she’s pissed about being locked up, or she’s thinking she can bargain for freedom if she pretends to have information that you’ll want.” Piper’s brow pinched when he said nothing. “Wait, you don’t believe her, do you?”

“Not at all.”

“But you still intend to talk to her,” Piper sensed. “Why? On the off-chance that she’s breaking habits and actually telling the truth for a change? You’ll be wasting your time. If she knew who wanted me dead, she wouldn’t tell you because then she’d also have to explain why she hadn’t mentioned it sooner. Celeste doesn’t fear much, but she’s terrified of Knox. He’d be beyond furious with her for holding back something like this. She wouldn’t want to suffer his wrath.”

“I agree it’s highly likely that she knows nothing, but I need to talk to her face to face.”

Piper’s eyes searched his own. “Ah, I get it. You’re not really interested in hearing what she has to say, you know she’ll only reel off a bunch of lies. You’re going to see her because you want to confront her over what she said to me at the studio.”

See, his girl was totally in tune with him. “I always planned to. I held off because you and I have more important things going on right now. I was planning to confront her once all the shit surrounding you has blown over. However, after how she behaved last night, she needs dealing with. Keenan could handle it, sure. But since the other things she needs to answer for all concern you, I might as well be the one who handles the matter.”

“Tell me honestly. Did you only hold off on confronting her this long because things are hectic at the moment, or were you purposely giving her time to do something stupid and add to her infractions so that her overall punishment would be more than a slap on the wrist?”

His demon grinned, liking how easily she saw through Levi. “Would I really be that ruthless, baby?”


He pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “True.”

“She’s not worth your time, Levi.”

“The conversation I’m about to have with her is long overdue. She tried to make you doubt me. She tried to come between us. She made you hurt. I can’t ignore any of that. I won’t.”

“I shouldn’t have let her get into my head. I knew better.”

“It’s not on you, it’s on her. I want her to receive the message that she does not get to fuck with you. I warned her, but it made no difference. And no minor punishment will make much difference either.”

“So you gave her the chance to dig a deeper hole for herself.”

“I did. And she fell head first into that trap.” Just as he and his demon had counted on. “Hearing that you and I claimed each other as mates no doubt knocked her over the edge.”