Holding back a grimace as the scents of bleach, iron, mildew, and sweat greeted him, Levi followed Keenan along the corridor of cells.

The incubus stopped outside a particular one and telepathically said, It would appear she’s had another tantrum.

Glancing through the iron bars, Levi inwardly sighed. There was fluff everywhere, courtesy of the torn pillow that had been slung across the small space. The mattress cover had been yanked off and shredded—there were ribbons of it everywhere. The chair that was usually tucked under the steel table lay on its side at the other end of the cell. Also, there were a few fresh dents in the metal locker, making him wonder if she’d bashed it using the chair.

Celeste was leaning against the rear cement wall, her arms wrapped around her body. She looked, well, hung-over. Her eyes were bloodshot, her makeup was smeared, her face was puffy, and her hair was a bird’s nest.

“Hello, Levi,” she said, her voice croaky—probably courtesy of the screaming and yelling she’d done. “I wasn’t sure they’d really contact you.”

Levi folded his arms. “You claimed to have information about the person who’s targeting Piper. Of course they contacted me.”

Her mouth pinched, Celeste smoothed her hands down her wrinkled dress. “I’m sure you find it rather amusing to see me in a cell.”

“A cell you clearly didn’t much like.” He eyed the damage and flicked up his brow. “Yet another tantrum?”

Her eyes blazed, and her cheeks flushed. “You can be such a condescending bas—”

“I don’t care. Let’s hear this information you have.”

Her brow creased. “What, you want us to talk here?”

“Why not?”

“Because it’s a cell.”

“And you’re in it for a reason.”

Her nostrils flaring, she scraped back her messy hair. “I can see why I was kept here overnight, but there’s no need to detain me any longer. I’m quite sober now, and I’m no danger to myself or others.”

Given how self-destructive she could be … “You’ve been a danger to yourself for as long as I’ve known you, but that’s off the subject. Now, who’s after Piper?”

Celeste inched up her chin. “Let me out of here and I’ll tell you.”

Sighing, Levi turned to Keenan. “She has nothing. I’m done.” He stalked away, calling her bluff.

High heels clacked along the cement floor and then … “It’s Sefton!”

Levi slowly spun on his heel.

Her hands curled around the iron bars, Celeste stated, “Sefton’s the one who attacked Piper.”

Pulling on her sweats, Piper silently cursed. What kind of person told a woman that they loved her and then just walked right on out of the room?

The kind that liked to mess with people. That was who.

The thing was … Levi generally didn’t seem to take much pleasure in poking at others. He bantered and teased as much as the next person, sure, but fuck with people’s heads? That wasn’t something he made a habit of doing, and blurting out I love yous wasn’t something people often did as a joke. But why say it and then leave? Why chuckle as he left? Why not give her a chance to respond?

She’d been obsessing over the whole thing since the moment he exited the bathroom. Her demon believed he’d been sincere, and it was rather pleased. Not that it was all that moved by the apparent declaration—it didn’t feel or value love. But the entity wanted him tied to them; wanted him so committed to them that he wouldn’t go anywhere.

She wanted to believe her demon was right to be so certain. She wanted it to be true that he cared for her so much. Because the truth was that Piper loved him right back.

There’d been some bumps in the road they’d taken to get to where they were now, but the rough journey had been worth it. He was worth it. And if it turned out he’d been yanking her chain, she’d verbally rail his ass. Her demon would probably bite said ass instead.

Well, she’d question him when he got home. Which should be soon. It wouldn’t take him long to deliver his warning to Celeste.

Finally dressed, Piper sank onto the edge of the bed. She still couldn’t quite believe that her stepsister had caused such a major public scene. Especially in the Underground. That was kind of like taking a shit in Knox and Harper’s backyard. Then again, banshees weren’t exactly known for having impressive self-control. Add in copious amounts of alcohol and a furious state of mind … yeah, that was a bad combination.

It could have been a cry for Levi’s attention—maybe conscious, maybe subconscious. If so, it had been a successful move. To an extent, anyway. It hadn’t only earned her Levi’s attention. No, in blowing a fuse in such a spectacular fashion she’d put herself on the shit list of a seriously merciless Prime. Knox wasn’t known for his leniency.