Devon carefully propped herself up on her elbows and then gratefully took the mug he handed her. She took a sip and almost groaned with happiness. He made damn good coffee. After a few more sips, she asked, “Was I out a while?”

“Six hours straight,” he replied, lying on his side and planting his elbow on the pillow. “You started fussing a few minutes ago—you always do that about ten minutes before you wake up.”

“You watch me sleep?”

“Sometimes.” He slid his hand up her bare spine and hooked it around her nape. “You purr in your sleep. It’s cute. I like it.”

She grunted again and took another sip of her drink. He didn’t natter away while she finished her coffee; he gave her a few minutes to shake off her usual morning mood. But he also didn’t give her any space. He burrowed closer, tracing her skin with his fingers, snaking his hands over her, and pressing kisses here and here—careful never to touch her injuries.

Normally, she’d grumpily bat his hand away until she’d had a chance to properly wake. Today, she allowed it, because she sensed he needed this. Needed to touch her and reassure himself that she was fine.

“I’m sorry I didn’t get to you sooner.”

She frowned at the dumb, gruffly spoken apology. “You have nothing to apologize for.”

“I should have gotten here sooner,” Tanner insisted, feeling his chest tighten as he remembered the state her feline had been in when he arrived—patches of her fur were soaked in blood, her unique eyes were dull with pain, and pieces of glass were sticking out of her like porcupine quills. “I would if I could have done.” He told her what happened at the hotel, and her face paled.

“You were almost blown up by a bomb?”

He massaged her nape and soothed, “I’m here, I’m fine, same as you.”

“That’s not the point. You could have fucking died. Shit.”

He rested his forehead against hers. “You have no idea how horrible it was to be unable to reach you when I knew you were in danger.” The guilt, panic, and fear hadn’t yet left him. It was only the sight of her there—alive and well—that kept him calm.

“You’d have felt that I was in danger sooner if it wasn’t for Leticia’s incantor-friend. She used magick on me and Finn …” Devon’s eyes widened. “Shit, how is he?”

Hesitating to answer, Tanner stroked her hair. “I’m sorry, kitten, it’s not looking good. Eric savaged him. But Finn has doctors from his lair working on him. Spencer promised to keep me updated.”

She swallowed. “I should have helped him instead of toying with Leticia. I didn’t realize Eric was that strong—I thought Finn could take him.”

“Of course you’d assume that—Finn’s a goddamn Prime, for God’s sake. Don’t be stupidly feeling guilty.” He took the empty mug from her hands and set it on the nightstand. “Want to tell me what happened earlier?” he asked, skimming his hand down her arm. “You don’t have to yet if you don’t feel like talking about it.”

She took a deep breath. “Well, Finn came to visit …”

Tanner listened intently as she gave him the full story. His stomach twisted tighter and tighter with each word she spoke. “Fuck.” He pressed his lips to her head, exhaling hard out of his nose. “Should’ve stayed with you.”

She grabbed his wrist. “No, you shouldn’t have. You’re a sentinel, it’s your—”

“You’re more important to me than a fucking position, kitten.”

Her breath seemed to catch in her throat, and she bit her lip. “You couldn’t have known what would happen when you left. You thought I was safe. I should have been safe. Everything that happened was because of Leticia, not because you weren’t here. Besides, you got here in time to deal with Eric.”

His eyes flared. “The fucking asshole died too easily.”

“Your hound butchered him.”

“He deserved worse. I swear, my vision went red when I got to the apartment and saw him stabbing your feline. My hound lost its fucking mind and took over before I had a chance to fight the shift. That pissed me off, because I wanted to kill the son of a bitch myself.”

“Don’t start mentally kicking your ass. I’m okay. You’re okay. That’s what matters.”

He massaged her head, digging his fingers into her scalp just hard enough to feel good. “Fuck, I love you.”

Devon’s heart slammed against her ribs, and she felt her nose prickle. “Yeah?” It was a shaky question.

He smiled. “Yeah.”

“Good. I love you right back.” He kissed her, licking into her mouth, demanding a response. She gave it to him, moaning as he took her mouth in a soft, deep, drugging kiss that made her toes curl.

Then her phone rang.

Pulling back, he sighed. “I’ve been fielding calls from people, telling them you’d call them back when you were awake. Gertie has called eight times. I assured her that you’re okay, but she’s worried about you. I think she’ll need to hear your voice before she believes you’re truly fine.”