Page 3 of Julian

“Where is Morla?”

He leaned forward and held my hand gently which was connected to the drip, “she didn’t make it. The windshield...the pole. I came as soon as I heard.”

Then, the familiarity struck a chord of remembrance. He was the one Morla told me we were going to meet in Oswego. She said he was going to help me, she said he owned a facility that helped people like me, and he would be happy to take me in. She had shown me his picture and then she tossed it into the fire.

“Trust God, trust Julian,” she had said.

Now she was dead.

A stray tear fell from the corner of my eye and my insides grew cold. They wanted me, why did they have to go after her? All she did was protect me. All she did was love and care for me. She told me everything would be okay, and now she was…

It was then my fright for such confined places with a sterile smell began to sink in, and I started gasping for air. I squeezed my eyes shut for a moment to gain control of the bitterness that was sprouting inside. I started ripping off the round patches on my skin and pulled out the needle that was stuck in my arm.

A new wave of reality hit me, telling me that there was not a Morla in my life anymore. My chest constricted in pain, and I grabbed onto it as tears fell from my eyes. She was everything and they took her away from me. Nothing in this world could bring her back.

Julian came to sit beside me, put his arms around me, and held me steady. I sank into his embrace as I bawled, snot running down my chin. He held me and kept muttering that I would be okay.

“I made it out, you will too.” he said, but there was no way out.

I did not believe him. The only way out was to die, but that was not an option because I had to take every single one of them down with me. Every fucking one of them.