Amanda’s office, normally neutral and calm, had been overtaken with stacks of file folders, binders, coffee cups, and takeout containers.

The disorder set Lucy on edge.

As did the unknown man with a bushy mustache at the far end of the table.

Amanda’s office was almost as big as each of the Js’, since she needed room for confidential conversations that sometimes involved more than one person. A small conference table took up half the space, and in the wake of the Annie bomb, it was buried under the flotsam and jetsam of harassment allegations.

“Lucy, this is Robert Ericsson. He’s with the mediation team helping us investigate these claims. He’ll be joining us to take your statement today.”

He nodded. “Ms. Green.”

Amanda took her seat across from Lucy and adjacent to Mr. Ericsson. She was as good at chaos management as any of the publicists at J&J—maybe better, and the fact that Lucy could see worry creasing her dark complexion, bending her brow, spoke to just how bad the situation was.

Lucy had known Amanda for as long as she worked at J&J. In fact, she helped her fill out her hiring paperwork when she first started, back when Amanda worked in the lower ranks of HR. Just as Lucy had climbed the ladder, Amanda had graduated to the top of the HR chain. She reminded Lucy of her favorite high school counselor, who was there to listen and always gave solid advice. She’d always liked Amanda both professionally and personally, and she knew Amanda liked her too. And because of that fact, Lucy couldn’t help noting the despair on her face, perhaps that she hadn’t come to her sooner about Jonathan.

“Lucy, with your permission, we’re going to record this meeting. The audio will only be used to review statements needed to build a case against Mr. Jenkins. Do you agree to be recorded?”

Build a case?

Lucy took a breath, realizing the sharp turn they’d taken into reality. Not for the first time that day, she remembered that telling the truth being the right thing to do didn’t automatically make it an easy thing to do. “Yes.” Her voice came out a whisper. She cleared her throat and tried to sound more confident. “Yes, I agree.”

“Thank you. Mr. Ericsson is going to lead taking your statement so that we obtain an impartial record. Please provide the most accurate information that you can.”

“Okay,” she said, and internally laughed at the fact that she couldn’t provide inaccurate information even if she tried.

Mr. Ericsson clicked on a digital recorder Lucy only just noticed sitting on the table. He picked up a notepad and pen and flipped open a manila folder. “Thank you, Ms. Green. Now, while we will take measures to maintain confidentiality to the best of our ability, we cannot guarantee complete confidentiality. Over the course of this investigation, certain information may be revealed to the alleged harasser and potential witnesses; however, information will only be shared with those who need to know about it.”

“I understand.”

“Excellent. With that in mind, we have called you in today based on information we received from Annie Ferguson as well as witness statements that you were seen leaving Mr. Jenkins’s office looking upset this morning. Can you tell us in your own words what happened?”

She began to sweat. She’d never been interrogated by the police, but she wondered if this was what it felt like.

It was time for the whole truth, no matter the consequences. “Jonathan invited me into his office to talk about my promotion. He suggestively asked how committed I am to advancing my career, and he squeezed my knee. I shoved him away. I left his office and ran into Annie in the bathroom right after. I told her what happened, and she implied she’d been harassed too. I told her to stand up for herself, and now here we are.”

Neither of them looked surprised, though they were professionals at taking shocking news in stride. Lucy had to assume Annie told them everything about their bathroom run-in, but Annie didn’t know what came after.

“And then Jonathan called me into his office later this morning and tried to fire me with what he called a severance package but was really just a thinly veiled bribe to keep quiet.”

Amanda startled. “He what?”

Lucy nodded. “He said that after our discussion this morning, he felt it best that our paths diverge. Then he offered me payment that I refused to take.”

Clearly, Amanda hadn’t expected the story to take such a turn. She visibly reeled as Mr. Ericsson pushed forward.

“Did you report this interaction to anyone, Ms. Green?”

“I did, yes. I went to Joanna and told her what happened.”

“I see. Have there been other instances with Mr. Jenkins like what you experienced today?”

“Yes.” She squeezed her fists in an effort to ease her discomfort. Her face heated.

“I see.” He kept repeating what must have been deemed a neutral response by the mediation service training guide. “Have you shared information about those experiences with anyone here at J&J prior to today?”