Lucy summoned all her professional training as Joanna approached. “Joanna!” she said, bright and pleasant, but even she could hear the nerves riddling her voice.

Despite looking even more exhausted than when Lucy left her at her desk sipping pilfered scotch, a coy smile played at Joanna’s lips. She still wore what she wore to work, and Lucy wondered if she was the only one who hadn’t come straight from the office.

“Hi, Lucy. Happy birthday.”

The stage was set the last time they spoke, and the elephant that stood between them couldn’t have been more obvious than Chase staring at them from across the roof. Lucy knew Joanna didn’t come to her party just to hang out; she had to have news about the board meeting.

“So?” Lucy asked, her breath tight and shallow.

Joanna leaned into the bar and asked for a martini, dirty. Lucy couldn’t stand the suspense. Luckily, Joanna didn’t make her wait any longer.

“So, effective immediately, you are speaking to the CEO of J&J Public.”

Overcome with relief, Lucy almost doubled over. She couldn’t contain her gasp. She slapped her hands over her mouth and felt tears prick her eyes. “Really? Oh, Joanna, I am thrilled for you!” She squeezed her own arms in a hug so she didn’t throw herself at her boss—her CEO.

“Thank you.” Joanna beamed, giggling a little, and Lucy had never admired her more. Her voice then slipped back into collected boss-mode. “In light of current events and with major pending contracts on the line, the board was unanimous in their decision in reappointing leadership.”

The relief washing over Lucy, the justice, the respect and dues finally paid, was like pure sunshine.

“Joanna, I can’t even... This is such great news! Congratulations.”

The bartender returned with her martini, three olives pierced with a skewer and carefully balanced on top. Joanna lifted the little sword and ate an olive. She then took a healthy sip of her drink and smiled. “So much better than that bottle in Jonathan’s office. And thank you; both for the congratulations and for your bravery in setting this all in motion.”

“Well, it wasn’t just me, but you’re welcome. What’s going to happen to Jonathan?” Lucy realized that just because he was no longer CEO didn’t mean he was gone.

Joanna took another healthy sip. “The board agreed it’s best for the company to sever ties with him.”

Another wave of relief hit Lucy. He was gone. Never again would she have to go to work worried and wondering if it was the day he fully crossed the line. She was free.

“And for the record,” Joanna said, “what you told me about him in my office today, that was the first time I heard it confirmed, but I’ve had suspicions for some time now. You were right: he was destroying the company. I let it happen for too long, and that’s something I’ll have to sort out on my own time, but meanwhile, I’m hoping you are still willing to take on more responsibility.”

Lucy’s heart leapt. More responsibility. That could only mean...

“There will be some restructuring within the company. As CEO, I am promoting you to senior publicist. You’ve shown yourself more than capable today, and long before. I’d like to see you in the position for a few years before perhaps moving you to lead a division, if you’re up for it.”

Lucy’s jaw did not drop; she knew how well-deserved the promotion was. On another day, she may have deflected the praise, somehow downplayed that she earned it, but on her perfect day, she stood up straight and proudly smiled. “I am absolutely up for it.”


And then she squealed and did a little dance because even if she knew she deserved it, that didn’t mean she couldn’t celebrate.

Joanna laughed. “Congratulations, Lucy.”

“Thank you! I’m so excited.”

“Me too.” Joanna turned her gaze toward the table where the other guests laughed and mingled. Chase was visibly failing at pretending he wasn’t trying to read their lips from afar. “I’m happy to see that I was right about that.” She nodded toward him.

Of course she knew about the press conference—it probably weighed into the board’s decision, having another public allegation against Jonathan like that. And she was the one who told Lucy to keep her faith in Chase. The fact that he was at Lucy’s birthday party could only mean they’d overcome their feud.

“I’m glad you were right too. Chase is actually great. I really value him as a colleague.”

She wondered at how mature she sounded and silently laughed at how insane she would have found that statement just twenty-four hours earlier.

Joanna cast her a surprised look but didn’t argue. “Well, that’s good, because after today’s events—that basketball press conference stunt was rather bold but speaks volumes to his integrity—I’ve decided to promote him to senior publicist too.”