“That’s exactly what I would have done.”

“I know.”

They smiled at each other, two women highly competent at their jobs and not afraid to say it.

“Good luck with everything,” Lucy said. “I hope to see you tonight.”

Ten minutes later, the whole company was gathered for the second time that day. Lucy didn’t doubt a few colleagues wanted her head since she was the driving force behind the Deadline story and consequent mayhem, but so be it. She had done the right thing and no amount of coworker shade would convince her otherwise.

She made her way to Oliver’s cubicle, where he interrogated her in quiet hisses.

“What happened? Is everything okay? Joanna is being insanely vague. Her email said Jonathan is temporarily on leave. Do you know what’s going on?”

She gave him a silent nod, not feeling the need to explain since Joanna emerged from her office to do just that.

Everyone’s routine positioning had changed since that morning in ways that spoke volumes. Jonathan was of course not at his door; Chase had abandoned post as well, standing across the room and pointedly avoiding Lucy’s gaze; and, most notably, Joanna was not in her office doorway but at the front of the room right in the center where she had always belonged.

“Good afternoon, everyone,” she began. Lucy couldn’t help noting the change in her posture. Instead of leaning into the building like she was keeping it from falling over, she stood solidly on the floor, head high.

“Thank you for making time to meet,” Joanna continued. “I know everyone is very busy in light of the recent news and events, but I wanted to share an update.” She cast eyes in the direction of Jonathan’s office, and her composure floored Lucy. She could gloat, she could taunt, she could maybe even scream because he was her brother, but all she did was nod at the vacancy and continue talking. “As you know, allegations of misconduct have been made against our CEO. Mr. Jenkins has publicly denied these allegations. Some of you have already been involved in working with our mediation service, and I thank you for your effort. As the investigation is ongoing, the board of directors has called an emergency meeting for later today to better understand what has transpired and decide what action is most suitable.”

Lucy didn’t miss the hint of an upward inflection, of hope, in Joanna’s last sentence. She made no direct mention of herself taking over as CEO, but the implied succession was obvious.

And it struck her how unfair it was that Joanna was only getting her dues because her brother had messed up. After years of deserving it, she could only assume the position because a man had lost it.

“So unfair,” she muttered.

Oliver looked at her, signifying she had muttered louder than she realized.

She shook her head so as not to distract from Joanna speaking.

“Though things are chaotic today, I want you to rest assured that we will persevere. Our public reputation may suffer as these allegations are investigated, but I personally vow to bring this company up to the standard where it belongs—above where it was before. You are all incredibly talented, and I count myself fortunate to work with you. I know you are all capable of great success individually and as a team, and I sincerely apologize for anything that has ever stood in the way of you reaching that potential.” Her eyes found Lucy’s and lingered for a moment. It was a public apology for all intents and purposes, and Joanna wasn’t even the one who owed it.

Lucy decided to take it anyway because she honestly hoped she’d never have to see Jonathan again.

“You will be briefed tomorrow morning on the board’s decision regarding our company’s leadership. In the meantime, please continue cooperating with HR if a request is made of you. I trust you are in contact with your clients as necessary. Thank you.” She finished with a nod and turned for her office.

Murmurs broke out like ripples, at first quietly, until they all ran into one another and filled the room with overlapping chatter.

“I hope he gets fired,” Oliver said, swiveling in his chair as Lucy tried to catch Chase’s eye. She owed him an apology, and she would rather give it to his face than email it.

She stepped out into the walkway to block his path as he made his way toward his office.

“Chase, I—”

But he stepped around her, brushing past and mumbling something about needing to get to Shawn’s pregame press conference.

His indifference stung like a slap to the face. She regretted further investing her faith in him and snapped.

“Fine! I was going to apologize for what I said earlier, but forget it! You don’t deserve it. Your silence is as good as standing with him.”

He whirled around, and she realized they were standing in the exact spot they had been earlier when she told him to choke on his steak. A similar sentiment surged in her veins.

Chase, rarely one to lose his composure, suddenly flushed the deepest red Lucy had ever seen on him. He looked angry and trapped and like he wanted to hurl an insult right back at her, but people were staring, and he had places to be. He clenched his jaw and turned down the hall.

Lucy huffed a frustrated grumble and stomped her foot, mad at herself. “I don’t know why I keep hoping he’ll change.”