“Where’s Oliver?” Nina asked, knowing full well Oliver filled her role during business hours. They got along famously, and Lucy couldn’t have been more thankful for their little trio.

“Probably waiting outside the door.”

“As he should be if you’re hiding in the bathroom crying.”

“I’m not crying. Not anymore.”

“Then my job here is done.”

She smiled, thankful Nina knew what to do, like always. She hadn’t gotten very deep into the whole can’t tell a lie thing, and she decided that was best. In the time it would take her to convince Nina that the honesty plight was real, she and Oliver could try at least ten other internet remedies for curse reversal.

“Thanks, Nina. I have to get back to my desk.”

“Chin up, girl. It’s your birthday.”

She heard the smile in Nina’s voice before she hung up. She took a deep breath, nodded at her reflection, and turned for the door, ready to take on whatever trouble she’d caused by opening her mouth.

She nearly ran into Oliver as he was, in fact, waiting outside the door.

“Are you okay? What happened?”

“The meeting didn’t go well.”

“Yeah, no kidding. Everyone just saw you run out of Jonathan’s office and into the bathroom.” He fell into step beside her as they marched toward her office.

She spent two seconds panicking over the gossip she surely started before a calendar reminder went off on her phone.

In all the Lily Chu anticipation, she completely forgot that Zeke Davidson, an eccentric, rising darling of the local theater scene, was coming in for a meeting. He’d be in her office in ten minutes.

Though flustered and still able to feel the hot imprint of Jonathan’s hand on her knee, she was thankful she could take her mind off it with work.