Lily Chu could win three Oscars and she still wouldn’t be as cool as an NBA star in the court of public opinion—and J&J subsisted on public opinion. Everyone knew the fight was unfair.

“Yes, definitely a boost for our sports division,” Joanna chimed in. “But let’s not forget our stage and screen division represents some of the industry’s biggest names, which we plan to add to in the very near future.” She looked right at Lucy with eyes that all at once said, Screw these boys, I’m counting on you, and I’ve got your back. It both inspired and petrified Lucy in one complex surge of emotion.

She gave Joanna a tiny nod.

“Great,” Jonathan countered with the air of a bratty sibling. “We’ll all look forward to major announcements later this afternoon.”

No one needed to say it, but everyone knew.

The bosses just put their best fighters in the ring, and it was time for them to duke it out. On any other day, Lucy would rise to the challenge, but she could only speak the truth while Chase was a silver-tongued devil in a three-piece suit.

In that moment, Lucy knew, without a doubt, that she was completely screwed.

“Have a great day, everyone,” Joanna said in dismissal. “Oh, and happy birthday to Lucy.” She shot her a smile that put a tiny ounce of wind back in her sails.

A chorus of happy birthdays struck up around her. She dutifully accepted the attention, though all she wanted to do was run back to her office and look up how to put a hex on Chase McMillan.

Chase glided by with a conceited grin, leaning in as he passed. “See you at the Palm later.”

If she wasn’t still standing in Oliver’s cubicle, she would have stuck out a foot and tripped him.

How dare he.

He was taking Shawn Stevens to the same restaurant for lunch where she’d be having her date with Lily. Of course he was. If he was trying to get in her head, he just walked right in the front door.

“I hope you choke on your steak!” she hissed at his back, unable to stop herself.

To her horror, he heard her and stopped. He whipped around and shot her an icy glare. “I’m vegetarian.”

She squeezed her fists so she didn’t punch his self-righteous face. “Then why are you going to a steakhouse?”

He opened his mouth to say something else, but his lips closed into an unexpected smile. “Jonathan,” he said, before nodding and turning away.

Lucy froze, knowing the CEO was standing behind her and praying he hadn’t heard their childish exchange.

Jonathan cleared his throat, and Lucy slowly turned around.

He was tall and handsome with dark eyes and flecks of gray at his temples. He had a Clark Kent dimple in his chin, but the similarities stopped there. He stood in front of Lucy with all the confidence of someone who always got what he wanted, and the thought of what Jonathan wanted made Lucy take a step back. His eyes traveled the length of her body, which they would have done even if she weren’t wearing a sundress and minimal makeup. She felt her pulse pick up that familiar flutter like a rabbit caught in a trap. He smiled, and the thing about Jonathan was that he wasn’t blatantly slimy. He was sly and charming, and before you knew it, he was standing close, pressing a hand into your back, complimenting your perfume. His wife was an ex–soap opera star with Dolly Parton proportions, and they had two kids in middle school.

It was a common misconception that men with families—daughters in particular—were exempt from misbehaving.

“Good morning, Jonathan,” Lucy said, thankful the wall of Oliver’s cubicle stood between them.

He leaned on it, resting his arms along the top. His suit jacket sleeve slid back to reveal a Rolex that cost as much as Lucy’s car. “Happy birthday,” he said with a smile. “Joanna tells me you have a big day today.”

“I do.”

“Well, I wish you the best with that, though I know you don’t need any luck. Listen, if you’ve got a few minutes, I’d like to have a word with you in my office. Swing by at nine thirty?” He knocked his knuckles on the cubicle wall and walked off before she could respond.

A stream of profanity ran through her mind. Even though Annie had warned her it was coming, the invitation was not pleasant.

She turned to a wearied look on Oliver’s face. He was well-versed in Jonathan’s ways, and he knew just how powerless Lucy felt. Most women had to put up with some form or another of office bullshit. A slick, overly familiar boss was hers.

And that was another reason she didn’t want a private meeting with Jonathan. With her sudden inability to keep her mouth shut on matters of personal integrity, she wasn’t sure she wouldn’t tell him off and lose her job on the spot.

She returned Oliver’s look with a sigh.

He checked his watch. “Well, fifteen minutes to reverse this curse, right?”