Mercury was turning in a slow circle, arms still outspread, as she called to Stella, “Come on! Join us!”

“Uh, hell no. I didn’t get as bloody as you two, so I’m going to stay semi-dry.”

Gemma had begun twirling in a circle in time with Mercury. “Stella doesn’t seem like a party pooper.”

“That’s because she usually doesn’t poop on parties,” said Mercury.

“I can hear you two, and I’m not pooping on anything!” Then Stella was naked, too, shivering and twirling beside them in the rain with her arms outstretched, embracing joy with her friends.

As Mercury twirled faster and faster, she felt as if the cold rain washed away her old life and baptized the new chance Gemma had given her to live another life—one that would be like nothing she’d ever imagined—filled with undiscovered miracles and limitless adventure. With that baptismal, some of her grief from those she’d lost was diluted as well. Mercury would never forget her family and her friends, but she also understood that by fully embracing the future, she would be accepting a new family, making new friends. Her thoughts shifted to Ford, and silently she added, And a new lover.

“Holy shit!” Stella said. “Mercury, Gemma, look!”

They stopped dancing to see that Stella was staring at the ground beneath their bare feet. Mercury looked down. Everywhere the rain had washed blood from their bodies wildflowers sprouted. Yellow and purple and orange buds burst into full bloom. The wind caused them to sway, so that it appeared as if they, too, were dancing in the rain.