Page 72 of Dom (The Pack 4)

“Trent,” I answered, relieved. “Jess…the Hanleys have her. I need your help.”

“Anything,” he replied instantly. “Her Dad is looking for her.”

“Anna,” I groaned and she came over, eyeing me with caution. “Her Dad. He’s looking for her.”

She nodded rapidly, taking out her phone. I pointed to it weakly, my strength depleted as I fought the command holding me. “Jess’s phone?”

“It just rings,” she answered, worry in her eyes. I exhaled, staring at the ground as every horrifying thing they could do to Jess played through my mind.

Rage built with every wasted second as Caleb said, “We need to move. Time is of the essence.”

The Alpha gave him a pitying glance. “Her innocence is gone. The best we can hope is to get her back alive,” he answered and despair sliced through me, strong enough to break the Alpha’s command.

“Son,” Dad murmured, feeling me tense. “Don’t…don’t let him know.” I heard the worry, the fear in his voice at what would happen if the Alpha realized I wasn’t under his command.

“Don’t come here, don’t come here, don’t come here,” the words were so faint at first I couldn’t make them out, but the longer I focused the clearly they became. “Jess,” I mumbled, recognizing her voice, but not how I was hearing it.

Clarity came as Trent questioned me over the Pack lnk, “Dom, are you okay? What do you need me to do?”

“Stay with her Dad. Don’t let any Hanley near him. Especially not the sheriff,” I replied brusquely, knowing that somehow Jess had managed to use the mate bond to communicate with me, even though it should have been impossible since we weren’t actually mated.

“DAd,” Caleb cried out in shock. “Don’t say that.” He glanced at me worriedly, but I didn’t pay attention, trying to work out why Jess would tell me to stay away. “We have to believe Jess is okay.”

“Son, I don’t want to get your hopes up,” the Alpha sighed regretfully. “I won’t lose my Pack to a foolhardy attack.”

“We need to send in a scout at least,” Caleb argued as Anna stood by tensely, her arms wrapped around her. “If we surprise them….”

“No,” I interjected, causing them all to stare at me in shock. “We wait.”

“Wait for what?” Gillian asked, puzzled, and I realized I couldn’t admit that Jess had managed to contact me. We weren’t mated and I wasn’t sure they would believe me.

“Night,” I replied, waving my hand. “They’ll celebrate, drink. They’ll let their guard down.” There were a few nods at my words and some of the tension in the room eased, but a couple stared at me with suspicion.

Dad relaxed his hold, murmuring quietly, “Can I let you go?”

“I won’t make a run for it,” I replied and he nodded, releasing me. I rubbed my arms briskly, my strength returning as my wolf waited alertly. Jess was okay. I knew it with a bone deep certainty, which allowed me to think rationally. “I’d like to speak with Gregory.”

Gregory heard me and walked over, following when I stepped away from the others.

“Have you ever heard of an unmated pair being able to communicate telepathically?” I asked bluntly, wasting no time. He reared back, then shook his head. “How about a partial claiming?”

“My grandparents,” he answered and I felt a sense of relief. “But they didn’t develop the mate link immediately. It took time and they were fully mated.” He studied me. “Why are you asking me this?”

“I heard Jess.”

Gregory glanced back to where I’d been restrained. “That’s why you stopped,” he murmured to himself. I didn’t indicate I’d heard him, not wanting to start another line of questions. “The pair of you are unique. I’ve never seen or heard of a couple being able to communicate telepathically with such a tenuous claiming.” He squeezed my shoulder. “To have such a mate is an honor. One you must protect above all.” I nodded and he released me, his glance knowing as he looked over his shoulder. “Some people want to talk to you.”

He walked away as Caleb and Anna came over, questions in their eyes. I nodded to the soundproof room and they followed me warily. “I need to get closer to Jess,” I said the moment the door closed behind them.

They stared at me blankly until Caleb finally asked, “What do you mean closer?”

“Proximity. I need to be closer to Jess.” She’d managed to use the mate bond, but it was weak at best.

“This isn’t some trick to get us to let you go, is it?” Anna questioned, her eyes narrowed.

“No,” I promised. “But don’t think I forgot you Tasered me, Anna.” I might owe her a thank you for it later, but right now I was still pissed. “I think Jess is trying to communicate with me,” I said vaguely. “But it might be easier if we were closer.”