Page 30 of Dom (The Pack 4)

“We’ll meet with them. Explain that she’s off limits,” the Alpha conceded under the weight of the Elders’ gazes.

“It’s not enough,” I commented. “They won’t stop. Not without a show of force.” I glanced at Dad pleadingly. “Let me attend this meeting.”

“No,” the Alpha said sharply. “You will not start a war, Dominic Navarre.” My head bowed under the double entendre of his words, feeling the power of an Alpha’s command.

“Enough,” Gregory murmured, breaking the hold as the Alpha glanced at him. “Dom will keep Jess safe while we meet with the Hanleys.” He scanned the room for agreement and everyone nodded except for me. His eyes glittered but he didn’t comment, knowing there was no way I’d leave Jess defenseless.

“Anything else?” Gregory’s gaze settled on me intentionally and I nodded.

“I believe the Navarre Pack would benefit from allies,” I said formally, keeping my eyes on the Alpha’s nose. “I would like to request permission for a friend to stay on Pack lands.”

“What pack is this friend from?” Anna’s mother asked thoughtfully and I shook my head in regret.

“He has no pack.”

“No,” the Alpha said immediately, shaking his head forcefully. “We don’t allow lone wolves on Pack lands.” His eyes burned a hole in my forehead as he came closer. “And you might want to think twice about who you claim as a friend,” he warned, his will hammering against my brain painfully.

“We should talk to the pack to the North,” Caleb interrupted and the pressure against my skull eased as the Alpha focused on his son. “Maybe they can help.”

“How do you – Never mind,” the Alpha muttered. “I doubt they can offer much assistance, but we will speak with them.” His gaze landed on me. “Perhaps a trade.”

“I can guarantee they don’t have a fighter of Dom’s caliber,” Dad retorted as Anna’s parents watched uneasily. “We can send overtures, but we won’t be making any trades. I’ve lost one child. I won’t lose another.”

“If your son can keep himself from claiming this breeding female we won’t have a problem,” the Alpha remarked and my jaw tightened. Everyone knew who the Alpha wanted to claim Jess, but it was never going to happen.

“I don’t want her, Dad,” Caleb said bluntly. “She’s not for me.”

“You don’t know that,” the Alpha replied, pointing a finger at his son. “You’ll do what’s expected for your Pack and that means taking a breeding female for your mate.”

“What about love?” Caleb accused as he hammered his point home. “Payne is your favorite. The only thing you have left of the woman you loved. You don’t think I want the same thing? You married my mom for the sake of the Pack and look where that got you. She left and you consider me weak.”

The Alpha looked stunned by Caleb’s outburst and during the long silence that followed the rest of us slowly exited the room.

“Caleb,” I called as he came running out of the Pack house, but he ignored me, shifting in midair as he took a flying leap into the woods. I was about to go after him when Dad grabbed my arm.

“Let him go, son,” he advised, a sad acceptance in his eyes. “Some things you can’t fix.”

Reluctantly, I conceded he was right and let Caleb go. I turned back to Dad as I said, “I’m going to check on Jess.”

“That might not be the best idea,” Dad answered slowly, rubbing his chin. “The Alpha wants to pull you from patrols.”

I couldn’t comprehend his meaning at first but when it finally hit I was pissed. “What?”

“He thinks you’re getting too attached to her.”

“Damn fucking straight,” I growled, pacing in front of him. “She’s mine.” The assertion slipped out before I could stop it, but Dad didn’t appear surprised, only resigned.

“I’m happy for you, Son,” he murmured with an enigmatic smile and my anger faded. “It’s all I’ve ever wanted for you… know the love of a true mate.” He grimaced and I knew his thoughts had gone to Sam. She might have mated with a Hanley but both of us doubted there was any happiness involved.

“I haven’t mated,” I reminded him and he smiled knowingly.

“Yet. You haven’t yet.”

“You don’t care that it’s not what the Alpha wants?” I questioned doubtfully. Pack meant obedience. I’d been raised to obey my Alpha and to protect my Pack, with my life if necessary, and to hear my father defy a direct order was surreal.

He smiled grimly. “The Alpha isn’t always right and I won’t let him ruin another of my children’s lives with his agenda.” He jerked his head in the direction of the motel. “Go, keep her safe, and keep that wolf friend of yours close.” He chose his words deliberately and I nodded, knowing we would need Trent before this was over.


The dark forest welcomed me, my black fur blending into the shadows seamlessly as I settled in the small bed I’d dug. The light from her lamp highlighted her silhouette and I stretched my senses, trying to detect if she truly was alright.