He doesn’t answer me, but instead, another loud bang fills the air. I hear Summer scream as something slams into me. I fall back into the room as a sharp ache spreads through my chest. I try to lift my hand so I can bring it to my chest, but it feels like I’m glued to the carpet.

“Daddy,” Summer cries as she comes to kneel next to me. Her little face is filled with worry for me as tears sneak from her eyes. “What’s wrong with Marcus?”

I want to tell her I’m okay, but even my lips won’t move. My eyes start to burn as I stare up at Summer’s face. There’s another loud bang. This time I don’t even flinch. Summer’s tiny body jerks and then she falls over me.

“It’s better this way,” Dad whispers before a final bang rips through the night. He falls somewhere at my feet, and as a cold shiver crawls over my body, I force my eyes down.

Summer’s eyes are wide open, and she’s also not blinking. Maybe she’s stuck like me.

I don’t understand what’s happening and the longer I stare at Summer, the harder it becomes to look away.


I try to tell her to get up, but I still can’t get any words over my lips.


My eyes start to grow heavy, and I fight to keep them open.

I don’t understand what’s happening. Why can’t I move? Why do I feel so numb?


Get up, Summer. You have to get up.


When I open my eyes, Jaxson is there. He’s been crying, and I lick my dry lips so I can ask him why.

“Marcus?” I hear Mrs. West say, but I keep my eyes on Jaxson’s.

“Jaxson, go wait outside while I talk to Marcus,” she whispers, her voice thick with tears.

When Jaxson stands up, a flash of panic overwhelms me. A strangled sound escapes my throat and makes him take my hand in both of his.

“Let me stay, Mom. He needs me,” Jaxson says to Mrs. West.

I don’t take my eyes away from his as his mom takes my other hand in her cold one. There’s a sharp ache in my chest, and it feels much worse than when I broke my arm last year. I don’t understand why I’m in so much pain.

“Where am I?” I ask when it sinks in that I’m not in my bedroom.

“You’ve been shot, Marcus. They took the bullet out, and the doctors say you’ll be able to come home with us soon.”

Why will I be going home with them?

Mrs. West starts to sob next to me, and I feel her tears splash on my cold hand.

“I’m so sorry,” she whispers brokenly. “I can’t believe Robert did it.” I can hear the shock in her voice, but I don’t understand what she’s saying.

Who? Who did what?

“Your mom and Summer didn’t make it, Marcus. I’m so sorry.” She starts to cry harder until she struggles to breathe.

“It’s awful,” she cries. She lets go of my hand, and I hear as she rushes from the room.

When we’re alone, the words sound like a dry croak. “I don’t understand.”

Jaxson cries silently as he leans over me. “Your dad shot you all. He shot you, Marcus.”