A bell chimes and instantly my after sex bliss evaporates.

“Shit! I’m not ready.” I hear water sloshing all over the place as she scrambles to get out of the bath.

“You’re not going on a date, Doc. Don’t make me fly out there so I can beat the shit out of him.”

“I have to go, Jaxson. I’ll call you when I get back from dinner.”

“Leigh, don’t you dare fucking hang up on me now.”

I get out of the bath and wrap a towel around my waist.

“That’s it. I’m coming there. You clearly do not understand what exclusive dating means.”

“Shh… you’re overreacting.”

What. The. Fuck?

I hear her open the door, and then my eyebrows shoot past my hairline.

“Baby-girl, you’re all wet. Scoot! Go dry your luscious ass while I mop up this mess.” I rub a hand over my face as I cling to the last of my self-control.

“Don’t you dare step in those puddles of water. I’ll spank your ass fifty shades of red.”

My vision goes spotty with anger when I hear Leigh say, “Jaxson, switch to facetime.”

I switch to facetime as quickly as I can. Her smiling face fills the screen. A flicker of worry flashes over her face when she finally fucking notices how pissed off I am.

She turns the phone away from her and on two guys and for a second time my eyebrows hit my hairline.

“Jaxson, these are my friends, Sebastian and Ryan. Guys, this is my… Jaxson.”

She didn’t introduce me as her boyfriend.

“Hi,” I say lamely, unable to think of something else while I stare at the one guy who’s dressed in a blouse and heels.

“Oh my,” he says, and I can’t say that I’m all that comfortable with the way he’s looking at me. “You’ve been holding out on us, baby-girl. That’s one mighty fine chunk of hunk you’ve managed to catch

for yourself.”

Then it hits. They’re gay.

Thank fuck!

A breath rushes from me as relief courses through my body.

“He’s a bit on the quiet side, but then again that might work in your favor. You know, with his mouth being busy down in your valley of pleasure.”

I start to laugh, and I’m not sure if it’s from the overwhelming relief I feel or the fact that the guy is hilarious.

“It’s so nice to meet you. You have no idea how relieved I am that you’re friends with Leigh. I can’t wait to meet you in person.”

I mean every fucking word. My girl will be safe with them.

“Aww,” the guy on the left swoons. He actually swoons. Well, there’s a first.

“I love him already. When are you coming to visit?” He screeches and grabs the other guy’s hands before excitedly looking back at us. “Double date!”

I start to laugh again, and I just know we’re going to become good friends.